My Dream Job
Everybody has his dream job. I also have my dream job. My dream job is to be a reporter so that I have opportunities to write articles for newspapers and magazines, and to interview some presidents and many famous figures in the world. After graduating from high school, I intend to go to university in Beijing. When I left university, I hope that I can get a job in a broadcasting station. After working for several years and after earning for myself enough bread , I will start a project that I want to travel around the world.
以成功的喜悦为题目写一篇500字左右的作文成功的喜悦 去年一个夏天,我爸爸妈妈和姐姐都出去了。家里只有我一个人。我拿着姐姐最喜爱的布娃娃在楼上的小屋的窗子旁玩,由于窗户是开着的,我一不小心把布娃娃用手碰出了窗...
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以论语给我的启示为题的作文 800字中国传统的道德理想是“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”,做一切事情的根基,修身是放在第一位的。修身可理解为外在能力完善,并懂得变通,与时俱进,而内在心灵则完满、富足,待自内心修为...
2013年12月英语四级真题作文范文作文要求: Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief accoun...
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以我心目中理想的工作为题I have a dream, is to be a teacher. Because I really admire teacher this profession. The teacher taught us knowledge, she will let us on the road to success. Te...