[跪求!励志型高考满分作文记叙文]春选择小草,因为他清新自然;冬选择白雪,因为它高雅纯洁。我选择风雨,因为我喜欢自己坚强地面对生活。风雨过后,我依然有笑对彩虹,拥抱阳光的激情! 我选择坚强,就选择了一种独特的经...+阅读
Last Monday, we were having our Chinese class when the teacher suddenly slipped and fell. We were all worried about her. One of the boys carried her on the back, with the help of some others, to the clinic immediately. It turned out that her right leg was broken and she had to stay in the hospital. The following day, we went to visit her with flower and fruit. Seeing her lying in bed with leg wrapped in bandages, we felt sorry for her and hoped that she would recover soon. This Thursday she returned to the class on a wheelchair to give us lessons. We were all deeply moved and proud of having such a responsible teacher.
学生补不补课正反观点英语作文In order to know what the students' ideas are to the question of making-up lessons during weekends(holiday), a certain students' union did investigations on it....
英语观点对比型作文的模板正规一点(1) 立论型 It is wellknow/As we all know ______(论点) why ? Firstly ______(supporting sentences). Secondly,_______(supporting sentences) Thirdly,_______(supportin...
地球变好变坏的正反观点论证英语作文Although the world develops much faster and better,the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer.In order to protect them,something must be done. Save water.Wa...
用英语写一篇以我的校园生活为题目的作文As I live in campus most of the day I spend on classroom and dormitory everyday.I jog in the morning so I get up early.After the exercise I went back to my domi...
写人写事的高考满分作文写人 我的“酒鬼”老爸 我的爸爸在喝醉酒后,会变得非常让人烦恼,因为那时,他会制造“非常噪音”,让人魂不守舍,并且还会给你带来“宇宙超级无敌大垃圾”——他吐得东西,每次都要让...
中高考满分写人作文记住这一天 一个个秋风萧瑟的夜晚,又是在门外,一个模糊的身影伴随着一阵阵敲门声„„ “对不起ب能请您把音量调低些吗ت”爸爸低头哈腰地对四楼的邻居说道。“呃„„好吧ا”...
高考满分作文点评两篇写人浙江考生 当爷爷开始品冲泡了四遍的陈年龙井,来吊丧的宾客也已渐渐散尽。妈妈紧紧地牵着我的手,与这一片生我养我的土地作别。我微微地苦笑,原来并没有永远的故乡,我们永远都是...
以描写人物感情为话题的高考满分散文作文l000字心简单了人就快乐了 匆匆走过人生,更多的是我们学会了沉默,学会了用心感悟,用心品读生活。生活就是生下来就要好好活着,一路走过,经历过,才意识到很多事情是划等号的,付出与收获之...
求一篇高考满分作文09满分作文 站在车站的门口 车站,一个不断上演着离别与欢聚的舞台。这幕离别与欢聚之戏的主人翁总是在不断的变化,不变的是,这是同一个站台。 戏剧的主人翁在变,有一天,我就成了...