
一篇抱怨的英语作文 150字左右

12月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[以出错为话题的作文500字]保留错误也是一种美 在漫漫人生旅途中,很多时候,我们是在错误中成长,在成长时犯错.错误,在某种意义上讲,是成就人生的必然因素. 从我们"惊天动地"来到这个世界,我们就开始犯错,在一个...+阅读

Dear president:

I am one of the student who critical of restaurant of our seminary. We have been informed frequently that with the declining quality of the restaurant of our school it is intolerable to meal at school. It becomes the source of great complaint by student. Therefore please give me an access to put forward some disadvantage of the restaurant in order to be placed more stress on

First the expression of the students 'face Witness that how unsavory the food is .Secondly insect is conceal in the vegetable there are times when we are prepare to have . Thirdly the price of the restaurant is too high. Finally tableware not be sanitized is used in the restaurant.

Please take it into account or it will give rise to a series of problem. In addition, let me apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. I hold a belief that students will enjoy themselves when have a meal in the restaurant of our seminary.

I am looking forward to seeing the changes of the restaurant

Yours sincerely


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