[求四年级名胜古迹导游词作文 400字以上急用!]大家好,我们现在所在的地方是闻名天下的莫高窟。莫高窟地处敦煌,它和鸣沙山、月牙泉一样是敦煌著名的旅游景点,还是我国被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》中29处景观之一...+阅读
My name is Wang Manli. I am 24 years old. I graduated from Longjiang Technological College(如果你们学校有简称,就直接用简称). My faculty is Business Management. I did excellent in every course, and I learned shorthand and the level of it is 90 Chinese words for one minute. Futhermore, I can type 70 Chinese words.(我觉得你指的都是中文吧,所以都用chinese了。)I hope to apply the job of manager secretary in your company.
200300字的周记急用啊每天发生的趣事像五彩斑斓的梦,像玲珑剔透的珍珠,使人留恋,使人向往。 星期日,对于我——这个爱睡觉的懒猫来说简直是天赐良机。邓欢,都九点了,还不起床?妈妈的喇叭又开动了。我揉...
作文我渴望 500字以上!急用谢谢!给你两篇参考: 1、我渴望飞翔 透过层层薄雾,你是否望见一直白色的大鸟在拍打着翅膀,而就是它,承载着一个女孩美好的梦想。 ——题记 像海面拥抱蓝天,舞旋薄翼摇曳,翩翩起舞随风消...
有关于温暖的时刻的作文原创急用雪天,有这么一个故事 冬天来了,雪花如鹅毛般飘飞。 清晨,我漫步在大街上,感觉到很冷。 前天,市里下令:无论在哪一个角落里所张贴的种种广告单、宣传单等等,统统都要清除干净。由于...
求英语求职信作文一篇Dear Sir or Madam, Mr. Wang Wei, a teacher of English at your school, told me that your school is recruiting some new teachers. I am very interested in being a...
英语作文求职信Hello, my name is li hua, I stumbled on English newspapers see the advertisement, I really want to get this job. I am 22 years old, graduated from university ne...
英语作文写求职信英语求职信如下: May12, Dear Sirs, I am a graduate from Sichuan University of Foreign Language Institute. As a student of English for Business, I hope to work in...
求一封求职信的英语作文高手进Dear Sir or Madam, I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position. My name i...
求一篇英语求职信范文Dear Sir: Know from newspaper your news agency job TCL communication equipment engineer, I very would like to accept appointment and strive for this post.I,m ov...
求一篇求职信的英语作文Dear Sir or Madam, I have learned from an advertisement that your company is in need of a secretary. I would like you to consider me for the position. My name i...