Dear Mr.zhao,
I would like to invite you to the parents' meeting, in No.2 school at 8:00,on Sunday ,March 10th.We will discuss how to improve students' achievement.At this days,we hold a English exam.But lote of students didn't pass the exam.I'm worried about them.so I'm going to hold a parents'meeting.I hope you come on time.
Best wishes to you!
快乐的家长会快乐的家长会浦口实验小学二(1)班 杨泳成星期三下午,我们班举行了以雏鹰起飞为主题的家长会。班主任张老师让我和刘睿当这次活动的主持人。我既激动又紧张,这是我第一次当节目主...
百年校庆邀请函校庆活动邀请函 尊敬的校友: XX建校XX周年暨教育科学学院建院二十七周年庆典将于XX年XX月XX日举行。值此盛典来临之际,我们谨向奋斗在全省各地的广大校友致以亲切的问候和崇高...
求一个word打印的邀请函1)新建一个WORD文档,在页面属性理把纸张方向改为横向。 2)在格式菜单里,选择分栏,把页面设置成两栏,按照需要调整页边距。 3)把你的邀请函设计成两页,第一页是封面和封底。 4)WORD文...
英语话题作文一份英语邀请函Dear Mr.and Mrs.Tim Smith, Hello.We are the *** Company,in order to show our thanks to our clients for their good cooperation,we are to hold a costume dance at...
保护环境邀请函作文250字星期日上午,风和日丽,我和最好的同学到景色迷人的人民公园玩。 沿着长长的马路,来到人民公园的大门口,那里盛开着各种各样的鲜花,争奇斗艳,芬芳迷人。有红得似火的玫瑰,有白得像雪...
用英语写一份邀请函内容随便 80到100字就够了麻烦了!Dear friends, Welcome to our school ! I'm Li Hua , a member of the Student Union of our school . I'm glad to invite you to take part in the evening party , whic...
一篇英文邀请函作文Dear Prof.Morrion, English Language Department would like to extend to you an invitation to be guest speaker on Saturday, May 13th.Speech Content is about Engli...