

01月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[人教版三年级下册英语书第二十五页 letsdo怎么读]let'sdo读音:英 [lets duː] 美 [lets duː] 一、含义 做一做。Let,v. 让;允许;(用于祈使句表建议、请求、命令)让;假设;出租。n. 出租;阻碍;(网球等)触网重发。us,pron. 我们(we的宾格)...+阅读

the terrible Influenza H1N1 that was firstly found in Mexico has spreaded more than 20 countries .In May,It has also found in Sichuan China.Influenza H1N1 can spread very quickly.It can make people sick and cause lots of trouble. As we are students,how can we study stay away from the Influenza H1N1 and keep healthy?Frist,we must pay attentian to the sanitation in our daily life .we should wash our hands before eating meals.In the morning we should take some exercise .Taking enough sleep is also important ,especially fot children .On the other hand,we can write letters to the sick people to encourage and cheer up them .I am confident that we can get over the Influenza. 望采纳,上面那篇不是中考水平,有些单词都没教过



三年级下册英语书点读培根听力 abbac abcbb twelve june volleyball music club[ five club ] 笔试 cbbcbbaacb dcababdabc abacd twelve years old june 22th tommy's sister lisa's and tennifer's...

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