

01月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[运动会作文1000字范文要写接力 50米跑步跳远和垒球]…”随着操场上的音乐,我们期盼已久的运动会,终于开始了。 我们坐在小马扎上,吃着零食悠闲地观看着比赛,预备!嘣!枪声响起来了,800米比赛开始了!张一轮像离玄的箭冲在第一,我们“噔”...+阅读

Every year, we have Sports Meeting. It is one of the biggest activities for us. Now it is coming soon. Everyone is getting ready for this. Sports Meeting is interesting and exciting. I like it very much. There are many matches. I never joined the matches until last year. Last year , I went to join one thousand and five hundred metre race. It is too long for me to run it fast. So I am the last one of that group. This year , I am going to join eight hundred metre race. It is shorter than last year but it is more difficult. Everybody in this race will run faster, but if I run fast I can not get the destination. Because it is too tired for me to finish it. On the afternoon of November 18, we had the opening ceremony of the Fourth Dongzhou Middle School Sports Festival. Each class gave a wonderful performance. The next day, we had an exciting sports meeting. Many players were in it. All the others just watched them. Some were busy writing articles about it. The boys and girls 1500 metres races were the most exciting games. The relay races were exciting, too. Everyone cheered for the competitions. They did their best. When they scored for their own class, everyone was so excited that they jumped to their feet. The sports meeting didn't end until four in the afternoon. We were tired but we were so happy.


运动会作文1000字要有情感变化的运动会,总包含着喜怒哀乐,在我们学校的运动会却隐藏着一种催人泪下的成分。 现在我宣布:“运动会开幕了!”运动会在主持人的口中隆重的开幕了!这两天都不用上学,只为了这一年一度...

运动会的作文一千字左右大家期待已久的运动会终于到来了。 今天早上,晴空万里。激动人心的运动会开幕式,终于被盼来了。 我校师生来到了宽阔的操场上,那骄阳烈焰,可并比不上我们那颗炽热澎湃的心。 我...



运动会啦啦队作文300字今天是个值得回忆的日子,开心、快乐、激情、满足、成就感。。。 我们的排球输了,但是拉拉队赢了,甚至比她们还出色很多。第一次出场就取得成功。当时在场上的表现甚至比平时排...

运动会作文300字有100米 25x4跳绳1分钟隆重的开幕仪式过后,比赛开始了,比赛的项目可多了,有接力赛、掷实心球、跳高、急行跳远、还有跑步等等,一项接着一项,真是热闹非凡。运动员们你追我赶,不甘视弱,各班啦啦队的同学都...

以我喜欢的一项体育运动为题写一篇作文要求:1写出自己喜欢我喜欢篮球运动,因为它不但可以为我们丰富课余生活,是一项锻炼机体的“有氧”运动,而且从中更可使我们学到诸如锲而不舍的精神与团队合作精。 篮球运动中最突出的就是锲而不舍...

作文难忘的运动会重点写100 200米星期三的早晨,朝阳小学里充满着欢乐而紧张的气氛,原来实时三天的运动会在今天上午就要开幕了。同学们都跃跃欲试,希望能在这次比赛中大显身手,赛出好成绩。 在雄壮激昂的乐曲声...

关于运动会的作文100字今天,学校举行了我盼望已久的田径运动会。 早上六点钟,我们怀着愉快的心情来到学校。可惜天公不做美,狂风大作,黄沙满天,但并没影响我们的心情。 这次运动会的确是记忆中最激动人...
