[描写田园风景的作文三百字要求有四季]暑假,我们一家去了一趟爸爸的老家,下了高速,我们径直进入山沟。 山沟两旁,排列着整齐而有规律的山峦,山脚下开着数朵无名小花,争奇斗艳;过了一会儿,我们到达了目的地,也就是爸爸的老...+阅读
Big city has a faster pace than the life in countryside.We will not only get to know the most advanced technology and information but also it can bring a more convenient life such as telecommunication,traffic and internet.People who get used to living in a modern city will more or less have some problems when he lives in a small town.When you need internet to search some information,you find it impossible to reach at hand as before.You are likely to walk miles away to find a cyberbar to finish your paper.Worsely,it might be closed the moment you get there.As I mentioned before,another advantage is the traffic.There are a great many high ways in a big city.It does save much more time for you.Time is money right now in such a modern and fast-developling city.We all have no time to waste our precious time.A good traffic system can bring us lots of conveniences.However,it is not bad for us to take a rest in small village.Air might be fresher than the big city.The faster a city deveplops,the worse the environment of the city would be.
怎么写田园风景的作文300字同学们,你们一定去过美丽的乡村吧,乡村的生活一定很有趣吧,接下来我来带你们进入美丽的乡村生活。 清晨,你会闻到新鲜的空气中夹杂些许泥土的清香,走在乡村的田埂上,迎面扑来一股...
写一片田园风光的作文 300字左右四年级水平暑假,我倒奶奶家去玩,那儿的景色可美了! 到奶奶家要经过一条小路,路边有几块金黄抄色的稻田,稻穗在微风的吹拂下,摇摇摆摆,好像在向我们招手。到了奶奶家,我看见了几块菜地,远处看袭,...
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求高人写篇作文月 日 星期 阴 生命的芬芳 今天,我漫步在一条幽静的小路上,无心欣赏这一派的美景,因为我知道,当花儿殆尽它们的魂灵时,落红终将铺满通向死亡的路,我们终会踩着零乱的花瓣,踩着褪色...