

01月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[作文精彩片段摘抄20 30个字]格的写照:有人选择劲挺的白杨,永远直立着把人生的向往深深种植在大地上;选择,是人有人选择无骨的紫藤,为了攀附的需要而将自己任意扭曲。●假如让我选择,我愿意变成一只蜜蜂,在祖国...+阅读

Without the internet in our life,the activity and the development of the human being will become totally a mess which is called the social disorder.Generally speaking,we cannot avoid using the computer and its internet in all aspects of the social activities.Suppose we have no internet at all,first of all,we cannot expect to go back to the past which we are not familiar with any more.Then secondly,we cannot imagine the situation,like banking, traffic, business,power supply and so on will be like .We are not able to manage or deal with the numerous problems appeared after the disappearance of the internet. No matter the domestic or the international affairs will certainly cause much trouble without the inetrnet, including misunderstanding, conflicts and even fights. Anyway,internet is becoming an inevitable part of the human world which greatly needs order and peace .Sometimes,you will find that the internet is as important as the sun is.


摘抄作文里的好句300字左右3 5段摘抄作文300字《阅读奖》我度过了一个快乐的寒假,虽然没去旅游,我的表弟却从磐石来到了九台。妈妈经常告诉我要独立,要学会照顾自己。有一天妈妈出门了,我和表弟在家,妈妈中午回...

假如世界上没有网络作文 600字偶尔的想,如果没有网络,人生会怎么样? 大概闲的时候,我会随意的拿起书来翻阅,会打开音响听一段音乐,会走出家门溜达散步,最不济也会打开电视看看。 那样的日子,很简单,没有那么多牵挂...

假如没有网络作文400假如没有网络 有人说,没有网络就跟没有饭吃一样,会死人的。也有人说,现在由于过分依赖网络,我们忽视了身边太多的美好,假如没有网络我们可以多些时间陪家人陪朋友,生活会更充实! 首...

假如生活没有网络的作文600字左右I remember when I was very young, I will look forward to, look forward to and, like the People's Liberation Army, dressed in camouflage uniforms, received milit...

假日没有了网络作文网络使许多儿童沉迷,导致儿童视力下降,不专心学习。然而你可曾想到,我们离不开网络。 假如真的没有网络,我们的生活会变得这样呢? 网络是一种无形的事物,但它范围巨大,从中国到世界...

假如没有计算机网络作文或许有许多人说网络是虚拟的,但是我们又何尝不是虚伪的呢? 许多家长都说我们中学生玩电脑不好,因为辐射大.容易沉迷,但是他们知道我们为什么要沉迷吗?因为我们太寂寞.太孤独.太虚...


急求作文假如这三天没有网络七八百字假如这三天没有网络 学校放假三天,语文老师给我们说,不留其他作业了,回去就写一篇作文《假如这三天没有网络》。顺着老师的思路,我想,要是放假的这三天没有网络,我会做些什么呢。...

题目如果家里网络没有了 600字作文随着时代的发展,网络技术也越来越发达,同时,网络渐渐的走近了我们的生活中。 网络是我们的联系更加的方便、快捷,但网络却又让很多人深陷其中,无法自拔。我的身边就有这样的一个...
