
求题目是 my opinion on electric bicycle banning的英语作文

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[以走进为题的半命题作文拟题]走进春天 园中的花香沁人心脾,窗外的绿色流光溢彩,走进你,我的心顿时轻舞飞扬。 蓝天,白云,碧草,如此美丽的画卷!我们携手来到花园中,促膝长谈,会心的微笑与眼神的灵犀,让我不由得久久...+阅读

要几个字...As is known,the adoption of the electric bicycle has brought enormous benefits to human beings.But now,for all its convenicence and non-pollution,this seemingly flawless means of transportation is under a ban because of its high accident rate when operated on the road in recent years.This decision doesn't seem very sensible to me.Figures indeed make sense,but not that much.Simply banning people from riding it may eliminate the danger involved once and for all,but from the other way,the authorities totally neglect those adventages of its own,which,in proper use,might even overshadow its current problems in a good way.From my point of view, some traffic regulations or speed limits for the riders should be put into effect instead of the ban,meaning it's better to take the bad with the good,as well as try to minimize the bad by effective measures.Furthermore,it's the citizens' right to choose their favored method of transportation.Countless people drive electric bicycles,so the ban surely has an inevitable impact on these people's daily life,To sum up,the ban on the electric bicycle isn't very reasonable.I hope the authorities concerned will review the previous decision and work out a more convincing and practical solution to this problem.尽力了..


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