[写一个描写春天的作文一段150字]“春天来了,春天来了!”“是谁打扰我睡美觉呢?”黄牛嘟囔道。原来是可爱的小蜻蜓在告诉大家春姑娘来到了!一群动物飞快地向草原上跑去。黄牛、大 象、小鹿和乌龟都来了。小乌龟...+阅读
As the saying goes that life is a journey, a journey of the unknown. Some complain the adversity of living, while others praise the wonder of experience. As far as I am concerned, life is beautiful, not only for its enjoyment, but especially for the twists and turns.
Life is beautiful because it enables us to grow up. As a student, from primary school to university, I learned a lot and became mature. School life is designed for us to receive knowledge, while in fact, it can do far more than that. Life here is important for us to become civilized and to develop humanistic value. Apart from learning knowledge, we entertain ourselves, making friends, playing games, and brodening our horizons.
Life is beautiful because it is uncertain what is to come. The future may be grant, but at the same time, it may be bleak. What determines here is to what extend we work and how hard we prepare ourselves. Young as we may be, we have an expectation for the future. In the process of fighting for the realization of our dreams, we are savoring the beauty of life.
Life is beautiful, let us do something wonderful for future memories.
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