[新年见闻的作文]新年见闻 时光老人将2010年匆匆带走,又将2011年带领到我们的身边。正如大诗人王安石说的“爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符” 新年是欢乐的,街道...+阅读
Dear Lucy,
I'm so sorry to hear that.Though your parents made you uncomfortable,they just wanted you to be more outstanding. You should understand them,and you could have a talk with you parents.
You can tell them what you think,and choose the lesson which you are interested in.Or,you could change the thought,for example,you can set up your interest on these lesson.
Don't complain more,because your parents think for you always.
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