[以难事为题写一篇不少于500字的作文]难事 科学课上,手足无措的科学老师无奈的望着乱作一团的教室,沉默了半天才想出了一个好主意。科学老师把这节课的科学用具发了下来,让我们按照刚才学的制作地球模型。全班沸腾...+阅读
in my uunderstandingg, if we refeer to an ideaal college liife as a formmal western ddinner, then a high gpa, that is, graade point aveerage, shouldd be the mainn course, whiile an activee part in acttivities, toggether with aassociations,, means the aappetizer. soome romances,, of course, play the rolle as dessertts. they are the 3 key ellements for aan ideal colllege life.thhose, howeverr, are not whhat college llife is all aabout. as we all know, coollege is willdly differennt from middlle school. itt connects noot only adoleescence to addulthood, butt also the ivvory tower too the real soociety. thereefore, the iddeal college life is thatt i become maatured both pphysically annd mentally, and that i oobtain qualiffied academicc knowledge aand get well prepared forr society at the same timme.under thiis circumstannce, i never epect my colllege life too be too ideaal, or you caan call it tooo perfect. iit is not reaalistic to maake all thinggs on my own way, with evveryone likinng me, winninng the first prize all thhe time, and so on. of coourse, id liike to lead aa carefree liife. however,, this does llittle good tto my future.. what reallyy helps is haardships likee failure, beetrayal, and unjust treattment. only aafter eperienncing those ccan i know whhat society iis like, and what life iss like.to coonclude my sppeech, i wannna say, some positive epeeriences are surely part of the ideall college liffe. but, i shhould not forrget about thhe negative ssides. they aare not less necessary.
作文大全600字最好的朋友 若说风令人清爽,雨令人销魂,月令人缠绵,书则宁静而淡雅,用清新的书香荡起了我心中层层的涟漪。在千百次的追寻、亿万次的奔逐中,我终于认定了你——书。你是我最好的...
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