[求一篇高中生写秋天的景色的作文不少于八百字]家乡的秋 开篇概括 秋天的景色像一幅美丽的画卷,我悄悄地爬上山坡,迫不及待地想观看。一片片的桔子林像黄橙橙的海洋,我想画家一定会毫不犹豫地添上一笔,把家乡的秋景装扮的更加...+阅读
I have been constantly considering that the father's love is the most generous in the world.Maybe it's not as gentle as mother's love,but we greatly benefit from it to some degree.Fortunately,my father is just like that.
My father has a big nose and thick lips.However,his eyes are small,but it couldn't resist shining as it is talking to you.Especially when he told me stories presented with vivid gestures and in humorous tones.That time is so wonderful! What I appreciate most is the tremendous freedom given by him.He showed me to various kinds of activities.Then I become interested in playing the game of go,chess,dancing,drawing and so on.However,freedom doesn't mean spoiling.He often tells me that if you have the courage to tell lies,you must have the courage to face the consequences.Maybe I was never aware of that until the unforgettable night. When I was in junior high school,I was absorbed in computer games
heavily.Lacking in self control,I often got out of bed at midnight and then played the computer games.After several nights,it seems that neither my father or my mother found this.One day at breakfast,my father coughed.When I asked what's wrong with him,he just looked deep in my eye and said nothing.On that night,I played the computer games as before.When I turn my head unconsciously,suddenly I saw a figure behind the window,which is combined with a balcony.I couldn't believe that!My father!How long or how many days had he stood here? I turned off the computer silently and go to the bed.With my eyes open,I could clearly hear the sound of coughing,which made me feel more suffering than he punished me!
The day after,I make an apology to my parents.In order to catch up with my classmates,I devoted a lot to studying hard.This thing is over,but the consequences have influenced me till now.
关于秋的高中作文展开全部 秋 不,我不这样认为,秋天来到时,农民们的脸上总是露出一副灿烂的笑容。而城里的人们就会不约而同的叹道:“唉!该死的,秋天来了,冷冷的冬天又快来了!”可是,这些人们都不知道...
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题目为感悟秋天的八百字高中作文走过冬的积累,穿越春的辛劳,历经夏的呵护,终得秋的收获——题记。 仰望深秋的天空,看着那淡蓝的底色衬托出几朵略带灰暗的云,一阵凉风吹过,我才意识到,秋天已经到来了。才发现,原来...
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