[关于龙的作文350字有急用谢谢啦^O^]龙的传说——乌龙: 少华山下的龙潭堡,原先只有十来户人家。村里住着:一家姓刘的父女二人,靠做卖豆腐为生。女儿名珠凤,出落得俏模俊样。 有一天珠凤去挑水,钩搭上挂上来一条小黑蛇...+阅读
unfortunately,i had a bad morming this day,for one thing,my leg hurt when i was playing hide-and-seek with my mates,for another,i came across an emberassing moment that i mistook someone by calling the wrong name of my buddy.after those things happened,i just,to be frank,have a bad luck during the day,
求一篇关于礼仪的倡议书 500800字左右急用同学们: 中华民族灿烂历史长河中我们曾拥有的骄傲,是“讲文明,懂礼仪”缔造了享誉千年的“礼仪之邦”。在经济高速发展的今天,在社会转型价值观呈现多元发展的今天,在个性凸现的...
关于课余生活的文章 200字左右谢谢急用我的课余生活像七彩的图画:跟爷爷学下棋、和蓓蕾艺术团的伙伴去演出、参加小记者团的参观学习、在家里上网冲浪……在这些课余活动中,我最喜欢的是读书。 我喜欢读书,因为书是...
关于爱情的精美语段急用爱是无偿的付出,是心甘情愿的帮助,是彼此心灵的感应,既然选择了爱,就要真诚的对待它,珍惜它,在他(她)困难时予以支持,失败时与以鼓励,在他(她)开心时, 一起快乐,悲伤时给他(她)安慰。而不是...
英语100字作文 my english teacher附加中文急用!My English teacher is very beautiful. She has taught for 18 years.She has lived in China for 40 years.She teaches Englishverywell .She wants her studengs to stu...
初一学生英语期中考试反思500字不是作文是反思急用!我想对自己说:成绩与理想 首先,考前准备不充分是原因之一,在月考的前几个晚上,我也很努力的复习着,但学习的效率似乎并不是很高,总是时间过了一大半,复习到的知识点却很少,并且掌握...
内心深处的作文初一的 500到600字我急用明天就要交在我的心底有一颗小小的种子——感动,它悄悄地埋没在我心底的最深处,默默的睡着,我等待着,等待着感动这颗小小的种子,在我心底开放出美丽的花朵…… 我是小梦,是一个孤单的女孩。...
高中英语100字日记Today was sunny and i was in a good mood.Tired of studying and a bustle of city life,I came to ecology park to enjoy the gorgeous scenery and get relaxed in the...
高中英语暑假日记100字1An unforgettable thing during Summer vacation It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the bus and got...
十篇英语日记啊 100词左后哦高中英语Yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people. I remembered last year there were twenty-two people at all. I heard some my friends had gone abroad...