

01月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[5个中考满分作文的题记加好在哪里 5个开头结尾一个带小]1、幸福的定义,珍惜你所拥有的每一样东西,你会发现,幸福简单的让你无法置信。 2、多听少说,才是成熟的最基本的素质。 3、动如风,不动如山,动与不动都是力量所在。 4、谎言总是冲...+阅读

This picture presents a ridiculous scene in a typical one-child family in China.

The parents are trying to persuade the little boy to cat,but the boy asks his father to act as a horse. He is riding on his father's shoulder and saying,“You run a circle and I'll have a mouthful of food.”The mother,holding a bowl of food,is running after them,ready to feed the little boy.

This picture shows that some children are terribly spoiled by their parents. Due to the one-child policy,most Chinese families have only one child. The parents try their best to satisfy every need of their child. As a result,the spoiled child becomes the“little emperor" who rules the whole family.

Children are the future of our country. If they are so lazy and so selfish,there win be no hope for our country.Parentsshouldmake every effort to prevent their children from getting into bad habits. They must be strict with their children and refuse to satisfy their unreasonable demands. Only in this way can they expect their children to be good citizens when they grow up.


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