[雅思小作文动态柱图该怎么描述]雅思小作文动态柱图描述 亲人亦可指不管你发生什么都不会舍弃你总是会站在你的立场上无所求的守护你会为你牺牲一切甚至自己生命的人。以下的相关作文是小编为大家推荐的,欢...+阅读
这是我写的,不是抄的,希望能帮到你。Over the last century, the revolution ofindustry has been creating a material world that we have never seen,simultaneously resulting in a pollution-ridden environment, especially, pollutedatmosphere where we have to live with per day. Therefore, some who care aboutthe sustainable development of our society has begun to find ways to addressthe serious problems. Personally, the new ways to use energy must be adopted.Previously, the people living inpre-industrial era can live on themselves and without the use of machinery. However,from past towards now, the convenience brought by engine-driven transport meanswin the preference of the public; similarly, when people was addicted to thereduced price of products en mass, the structures or ways of production havesignificantly revolutionized since more and more workers was drawn into assemblylines. Obviously, this change leaded to large fuel burning and caused a lot ofgreenhouse gas, which is the source of air pollution.In order to fix the worrying trend, thetraditional energy modes should be replaced by more green ways. This is to say,the non-fossil fuels and renewable energy should be utilized, and if ourgovernments and companies do, the air pollution could be uprooted. In addition,the public can change their habits and decrease their foot prints. For example,they can use hybrid vehicles more and carry their grocery by paper bags otherthan plastic bags.Admittedly, this measure could bring moreinconvenience, increase the cost of public transport, and more importantly itwill raise the tax revenue. However, this view seems to be correct, but the problemcan be technically solved. In fact, every reform in past must be harmful theinterest of certain groups. Actually, we can invest more money to invent newtechnology, and in the long run, we can benefit from that.In conclusion, the air pollution can betackled by alternative modes regarding how to energy.
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