

01月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于写景的散文高考满分作文]秋绪 终于,夏带着我浓浓的眷恋走了,还未来得及说句:Bye-Bye。我有些茫然,仿佛失去了什么,却又不知究竟失去什么。 落叶 放眼望去,树上一片一片的金黄,真美!可一阵风吹过,那片片金黄在...+阅读

Nowadays it is easier to maintain health than the past. Health N. excellent, full, good, perfect bad, declining, delicate, failing, fragile, frail, ill, poor mental, physical, VERB + HEALTH enjoy, have look after, maintain recover, regain nurse sb back to She was nursed back to full health. | damage, harm, ruin, undermine Healthy 1. Not ill VERBS appear, be, be born, feel, look, seem become keep, remain, stay ADV. extremely, fantastically, really, very mentally, physically PHRASES fit and healthy 2 producing good health VERBS be | consider sth a new diet which is considered much healthier than previous ones ADV. extremely, very We have a very healthy diet. | quite Their lifestyle is quite healthy. | generally 3 working well VERBS be | remain ADV. extremely, very The economy is extremely healthy at the moment. fairly, quite, reasonably, relatively basically, fundamentally, generally financially Health Problems Linked to Obesity Obesity in childhood can add up to health problems, often for life. In adults, overweight and obesity are linked to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, certain cancers, and other chronic conditions. Research has shown that obese children are at high risk of being overweight or obese as adults. Data from the 2005-2006 NHANES(NHANES =National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys 全国健康和营养检查调查) survey show that in the United States, nearly 13 percent of adults age 20 and older have diabetes, but 40 percent of them have not been diagnosed. Type 2 diabetes (formerly called adult-onset diabetes) accounts for up to 95 percent of all diabetes cases and almost all cases of undiagnosed diabetes. Pre-diabetes, which causes no symptoms, greatly raises the risk of a heart attack or stroke and of developing type 2 diabetes. Though rare in youth ages 12 to 19 years, type 2 diabetes is increasingly being seen in children and adolescents, particularly among minority communities. Moreover, the 2005-2006 NHANES data show that about 16 percent of these youth have pre-diabetes. In a recent national study, 58 percent of children diagnosed with type 2 diabetes were obese. The American Environment A person's weight is the result of many things working together—genes, metabolism (the way your body converts food and oxygen into energy), behavior, and your environment. Changes in our environment that make it harder to engage in healthy behavior


求中考满分议论文 600字。2009年河南省中考满分作文:生命的境界 生命,以时间为载体,以贡献的多少来反映其价值。生命的境界取决于后者,而非前者。在我看来,生命有三种境界。 能够衣食无忧,此乃生命的最低境...



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GRE作文满分是多少作文满分是6分。 改革后数学为130-170,语文为130-170,写作为0-6分。最低130+130+0,最高170+170+6。 GRE由美国教育考试服务中心ETS主办,适用于申请除法律、商科和医学专业外的各...

关于初中生活的作文中考满分作文The Way to Stay Healthy Health is most important for any of us. ]n order to stay healthy, we need some common knowledge. First]y, pay attention to the diet. We...
