[怎么给自己改雅思作文]一般来说,考生应该模拟考场,给自己一个小时去练习2篇作文,但其实在自己写完后,如果没有名师指导的话,自己也是可以把作文改好的。 其次注意结构逻辑是否准确。英语写作不同于中文...+阅读
My dream house is a very big villa, it is near the sea. The best thing
to do is to build in a small island alone on the island, from the city very
near very near.
It has two yard villas. The front yard is a garden with many beautiful
flowers. There is a swimming pool in the backyard, my family are like
swimming. On the first floor has a hall, when you enter the gate. In the
right of the hall is a sitting room, where we can relax, have a rest,
watching TV and enjoy the entertainment. On the left there's a
computer room and study belongs to me. On the second floor, there
are six bedrooms and a bathroom. The roof has a large indoor stadium,
such as basketball, football, ping pang ball, golf, etc... Villa will be
equipped with modern equipment, such as security alerts by computer
control system, visual telephone, elevator automatic door. In my
house, all the furniture is made of wood, and it is good for our health.
This is my dream house, the luxury to approach nature! In order to
build the dream house, I attentively to attain it!
翻译:My Dream House
My dream house is a very big villa, it is near the sea. The best thing
to do is to build in a small island alone on the island, from the city very
near very near.
It has two yard villas. The front yard is a garden with many beautiful
flowers. There is a swimming pool in the backyard, my family are like
swimming. On the first floor has a hall, when you enter the gate. In the
right of the hall is a sitting room, where we can relax, have a rest,
watching TV and enjoy the entertainment. On the left there's a
computer room and study belongs to me. On the second floor, there
are six bedrooms and a bathroom. The roof has a large indoor stadium,
such as basketball, football, ping pang ball, golf, etc... Villa will be
equipped with modern equipment, such as security alerts by computer
control system, visual telephone, elevator automatic door. In my
house, all the furniture is made of wood, and it is good for our health.
This is my dream house, the luxury to approach nature! In order to
build the dream house, I attentively to attain it!建立梦想中的房子,我会用心去实现它!望能帮助到你!
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