

01月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[有关通讯工具的作文 260字左右]我的妈妈有一部Iphone 6S 的手机,可好用了! 老妈的苹果手机,跟一个鼠标一般大小,全身都是白色的,还穿了一件白色的“衣服”呢!可好看了,就像一台迷你电脑,很好用的。 这个手机触感很...+阅读

QQ has become a very popular messaging computer program in China.

It has many advantages. First, through it, people can keep in touch with their relatives and friends. Second, it is convenient for people to send files, photos and so on by using QQ. Third, it offers opportunities for people to make friends and exchange ideas.

However, every coin has two sides. If we spend too much time on it, our study and life will be affected. Besides, there are people online who cheat others or send harmful information.

In my opinion, we should try to use the program to our advantage and avoid getting addicted to it. Meanwhile, we should have self-protection awarenes


介绍通信工具的作文直到现在,已经有许许多多的通讯工具了,比如说:手机、电话机、对讲机等等。但是,你们却不知道,在它们的背后,是一位位科学家勤劳的汗水。 在过去,人们也用电话机、手机、对讲机等等...


关于未来通讯工具的作文古有“飞鸽传书”,“千里共婵娟” ,“烽火戏诸侯”,“马上相逢无纸笔,凭君传语报平安” 。那时的通信还局限于口头、纸笔传达,有许多紧急消息无法及时传递。当下有电话、手机、网...

第一次用通讯工具作文450字左右打电话是很平常的一件事,但是我第一次打电话时很紧张,很兴奋,现在还记忆犹新呢。 有一天,爸爸妈妈一起出去买东西,让我和妹妹在家里玩,给我们留下了一个手机,让我们有急事的时候就...

现代的通讯设备作文300字左右阳光明媚,春风和煦。鸟儿正在枝头吟唱着美妙的歌儿;柳树正欢快的扭动着腰肢……一切都是那样的生机勃勃。 虽然今天爸妈不在家,但能享受到这样美好的画面,我的心情丝毫没有受到...

寻一篇英语作文关于通讯工具变化的Nowadays ,there is an increasing population using cellphones or Internet to get in touch with their friends,families or other person. So ,there is no doubt that...

写一篇关于通讯的作文如电脑通讯的变化 通讯是交流的手段之一。从古至今,人类的通讯方式一直在改变,科学技术也一直在进步,人们对通讯的观念也会有所改变。无论怎样,现代化的电子通讯真的是给人类带来了太...

英语作文手机是现代人必备的通讯工具之一Mobile phones are becoming more and more important in our life. Nearly everyone has his or her own mobile phone except some children or very old people. They ar...

寻一篇英语作文关于通讯工具变化的关于通讯工具的变化的作文Nowadays ,there is an increasing population using cellphones or Internet to get in touch with their friends,families or other person.So ,there is no doubt that...
