

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语作文议论要不要过洋节要不要舍弃春节]Western countries will celebrate their own festivals like Easter Day, Christmas Day, Mother Day, Valentine's Day, Father Day, Thanksgiving Day; Chineses will al...+阅读

An unforgetful winter holiday Winter holiday is going to an end with a quantity of meaningful and unforgetful memories. I still remember the days we looked forward to it durring the fanal exam last term, but now ,we have to prepare for our lessons of the coming new year . How time flys ! The happiest times was thoes which I spent with my relatives .We all had mang interest things to share with each other after nearly one year no see. When spring festival came , we also gave our best wishes to people we love . However , as a student ,the most important thing for me is studying . So I spent a great deal of time reviewing the knowledges I learned last term and studying the lessons myself for the first time forwards ,anyway ,I don't want to full behind after a holiday! Above all , this holiday will leave an unforgetful exppression on me


英语我最喜欢的歌手tfboys80词作文2014, I met you, you said, about ten years, I think the ten years I was only nine years old, once a year, not me, but I can say for sure, I will love you nine y...

一篇100字左右的英语Dear Rose, How are you? I receivbed your letter a caple of days ago.In your letter you told me to find a job for you, and now I'm writing to tell you that I got...

i love my family我爱我家的英语作文60词左右英语作文; I love my family. I have a happy family. My father works in a power plant. He often works from morning to evening a day. He like to take me to park on...

国庆日记100字8篇今天是国庆节,我和我的朋友约好了今天晚上去时代超市里购物。 到了新亚商城门前,哇!人山人海,四面八方的人不断向这里涌来,马路都被堵住了,旁边的舞台上正在表演舞龙,龙舞起来就像...

我的五一假期英语作文急求May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor's Day. My mother said to me:"Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let's go to park,"So my mother...


刚开学两天初一日记500字左右哈!又升了一个年级。 开学第一天,第一节是数学课,换了新数学老师。不知是不是昨夜没睡 好,反正我一直在做小鸡啄米的动作。下课了,勉强打起一点儿精神,但马上被上课的铃声给压回去...

英语作文我的大学有会写的朋友么the diversity of my university life Look! There is a rainbow! On the first day of my university life, when I walked into the campus, there was a rainbow bridgin...

五年级作文:连续动物观察日记五则600字上个月,我们家来了一位“小客人”——“小斑”。 “小斑”全身的毛是褐色的,上面还布满了像豹子一样的斑点。它的眼睛黑黑的,像两颗黑葡萄;鼻子微微翘起,似乎总在搜寻好吃的东西;...
