[国庆假期带翻译的英语作文是苏教版小学6年级]National Day Holidays I went to my cousin's house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said she's worryi...+阅读
Please sign up for English-Speaking Contest
Dear Students:
In order to help you develop effective English oral presentation skills, our Students' Union is organizing an English-Speaking Contest.
Sign-up information:
Deadline to sign up for the contest: Before September 30th, 2010
Sign up Location: Students' Union office
Contest information:
Contest Location: School Conference Room
Contest Date: October 9th, 2010
Contest Time: Evening from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Award: Top 8 Winners
Sign up now and sharpen your English oral presentation skills.
Students' Union
用英语写一篇作文给笔友的一封信Hi! How are you doing? It has been awhile since our last online chat. I have been posted to a new school since June. In order to catch up with my study, I spend...
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