[如何提高写英语作文的水平]英语写作是语言应用的一个重要方面,也是语言能力测定的重要手段,衡量写作水平的 标准便是看其是否能用学过的语言材料,语法知识等用文字的形式来表达描述。 书面语言表达一般分...+阅读
Once upon a time there lived an unhappy young girl. Her mother was dead and her father had married a widow with two daughters. Her stepmother didn't like her one little bit. All her kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own daughters. Nothing was too good for them - dresses, shoes, delicious food, soft beds, and every home comfort.
But, for the poor unhappy girl, there was nothing at all. No dresses, only her stepsisters' hand-me-downs. No lovely dishes, nothing but scraps. No rest and no comfort. She had to work hard all day. Only when evening came was she allowed to sit for a while by the fire, near the cinders. That's why everybody called her Cinderella.
Cinderella used to spend long hours all alone talking to the cat. The cat said, . Miaow. , which really meant, . Cheer up! You have something neither of your stepsisters has and that is beauty.. It was quite true. Cinderella, even dressed in old rags, was a lovely girl. While her stepsisters, no matter how splendid and elegant their clothes, were still clumsy, lumpy and ugly and always would be.
英语作文怎样才能提高首先,要学好英语,最关键的是要有兴趣。俗话说:兴趣是最好的老师。教我们英语的是一位 年轻的老师,他讲课很风趣,还总是让我们自己上台讲课,演小品。生动的英语教学,让我对英语产生...
关于提高英语的英语作文Nowadays ,the english is becoming more and more important .As a chinese ,how can we improve our level of english speedly ? 现如今,英语变得越来越重要。作为一个中...
关于怎么样提高英语写作水平的英语作文(1)We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appro...
如何提高英语写作水平的英语作文一、提高英语写作能力的原则 一)渐进性原则。要坚持“句—段—篇”的训练程序,由易到难,循序渐进。在英语写作的初始阶段,要始终注意培养学生良好的写作习惯,狠抓基本功训练。在...
英语作文自信非常重要自信很重要,但不是说有自信什么事都能搞定,自信心能使自己的想法或目标去付诸行动。 要使自己自信起来,主要克服自己的心里障碍。 1、注意穿着,使自己在社交的人群中不要太次(人...
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求考研英语作文和常用模板。。hort sentences have a sense of rhythm, read melodious, reading between the lines, still contain a rich emotion. have great originality. The according to visit o...
关于珍惜爱情的英语名言警句1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是因为在你面前我可以是谁。 2.No man or woman is worth...