[求一篇善于变通的英语作文]Read this story, then think of elementary school, learn the story of zheng people buy the shoe, two people before we leave, are made clear their goals, but in e...+阅读
听力: 短对话: 8题 8%(比例) 长对话7题 7% 短文理解:2篇(10小题) 10% 短文听写:8个单词,3个句子 10% 阅读理解:仔细阅读:2篇(10小题) 20% 短句问答或选词填空 5% 快速阅读:4个句子判断对错(Y,N) 6个句子填空 10% 改错或完形:10题 10% 翻译: 5题 5% 作文: 15% 作文评分标准: 0分白卷 2分条例不清,思路混乱,大部分句子错误 5分基本切题,但思路不清楚 8分语言勉强连贯,但有些错误 11分切题,文字连贯, 14分表达思想清楚,基本无错误,文字通顺 字数不足扣分: 累计字数 扣分 140-149 1 130-139 2
乘坐地铁英语作文导游词I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday.It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen.We stayed in a...
写一篇题为一个导游的英语作文词数不少于四十字Good guide to many visitors from the emotional and communication. Communicate well, tour guides and tourists will go close to hearts interlinked, it becomes eas...
英语作文建议信建议信A Letter of Suggestion Dear editor, I have read many articles on the school magazine. I find that almost all the essays on the school magazine are about t...
英语作文建议信带翻译的Can you imagine that I'm now in the United States, a country so different from China? Everything is new and interesting!e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e31333365666263 I...
英语写作建议信A Letter of Suggestion Dear editor, I have read many articles on the school magazine. I find that almost all the essays on the school magazine are about the dai...
刚写的雅思考试作文希望英语好的大神给点指导建议!A seven day long holiday has flown away.Mourning my happy hours during the vacation,I've been looking forward to winter holidays.People around me seemed to have...
雅思作文求修改建议并评分谢谢总的说来,你的用词和句子还不错,用到了不少高级词汇。不过还有一些地方有待提高咯,下面是我的一些建议,希望对你有帮助哈。 1、我觉得在首段最好先讲明自己的观点,不然就给读者一...
怎样写建议信英语作文建议信例题:假如你是李明,你发现部分同学每次遇到重要考试,都会出现一些焦虑症状。请你用英语写一封信,向某学生英文报编辑反映该问题。信的内容应包括下列要点: 焦虑症状建议 头...
英语作文建议信。你的邻居影响到你的睡眠When it comes to sleep,people's opinions vary.Some people think that we should sleep as much as possible to keep our mind conscious.Some people think that we sh...