

01月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[观小兵张嘎有感作文][观《小兵张嘎》有感作文] 砂子塘天华学校 六 (一)班 刘宏旺 在抗日战争时期,我国出了一位小英雄,他就是著名的小兵张嘎,这部连续剧就是讲述他抗击日本侵略者的故事,观《小兵张嘎...+阅读

developping the advantage of each school well, the city high school changed to only have the mode of the point high schools before, the school established the senior high school department or the junior high school department, so easy to have already aimed at sex ground centralized management, concentrated valid teachers strength.And say for the adults, the spirit of enterprise of the oneself also strengthens continuously, my teacher is a nicely example, at the beginning he teaches me be still a junior high school teacher, but process without a break study is already an excellent teacher of the senior high school department now, and announced an article in 《 the world English 》 .With me together a lot of young men of the age is not a contented with at present knowledge either, testing a research born their hot issue, I also no longer marveled at the neighbor's kid to use English"the Good morning" toward me to say hello now. When I stand on the summit of hill of"overpass" mountain to look down the whole city scenery, the heart is filled with regrets, forbid and don't live to remind of a words-DO not enter to then back, any thing always is placed in to change to go forward continuously of appearance, advance by leaps and bounds now then of the speed is more astonishing, conduct and actions new young man of the century, we should be vigilant in peace time more, with hour the 俱 enter, speeding own step, bearing arms an oneself well, greeting a more rigorous challenge




看了小兵张嘎的电影有什么感想什么写作文当我看完《小兵张嘎》这部爱国主义电影时,我被主人小嘎子的爱国精神感动了。 一提起小兵张嘎,大家一定都非常的熟悉吧!他不屈不挠的精神让人们佩服。因为嘎子的奶奶被小鬼子给...

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