

03月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁能给我一个关于教师节的情景剧剧本]感恩的心(修改本) 李家华 10-06 校园相声我的大学生活 佚名 08-24 <&lt;相亲相爱>&gt; 佚名 08-24 小品剧本《我的“妈妈”》 佚名 08-23 母子情深 佚名 08-23 相声 《老师的毛...+阅读


I have been infatuated with the swimming from infancy to maturity, I all am my family river character bad one, but on a summer vacation, in under daddy's patient education and the instruction, I has been infatuated with the swimming. In the summer vacation, I have will be the time swimming, but from now on, I very will be summer vacation difficult to swim again.Therefore, one day, I on launched “the lip gun on the vehicle with mother to argue heatedly”. “Mother, I very long has not swum!”“Is not good, you also must write the work.But” “, as the saying goes: The healthy body is the wealth, the life lies in the movement.The body is the revolutionary qualification.” “You, were not good are not good!”I saw have fought such for a long time, but also did not have the result, has put forth the murderer key.“So long as you let me swim, today work absolutely superiorly.Under” uses both hard and soft tactics in me, mother finally complied. Strives for with great difficulty to half hour swimming time, I immediately like a fish in water, is infatuated with inside the swimming pool is swimming, the breaststroke, the backstroke, I all swim well happy! Was half hour very quick has passed, I have not swum suffice, mother on was shouting in the pond wanted me to go home, I got a sudden inspiration, in the heart lived an ingenious plan.I install do have not heard to be same, swims calmly in the water middle reaches, keeps a straight face, whatever mother pulls the glottis in the ashore to shout, I am aloof as before, heh heh, who is called my mother in the ashore, I in water? Like this crossed for half hour, I only then crawl come ashore, my mother was mad “seethes with rage”, my also likelihood equally said actually: “Right? I have not heard.” Is precisely because I am infatuated with the swimming like this, like this “assiduous” training, only then causes me “the status” “to be promoted with all attendant honor best” to “the river character”!


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