If you really want it只要心够决
You will push past pain就能征服痛苦
Use it利用它
Control it控制它
If you really want it只要心够决
Don't live in your dreams.实现你的梦想
If you really want it只要心够决
Learn from defeat.从挫折中学习
Learn how to win.学习如何胜利
If you really want it只要心够决
You feed everything to your fire.将所有燃烧成激情
All the pain, failures, critics, glory…所有的痛苦,失败,批评,荣耀
Take the ball.出手夺球
Take the last shot.出手绝杀
You can do anything you want to你可以做到任何事
If you really want it只要你的心够决
Just do it.要做就去做
If be cruel-hearted you will conquer pains Use it Control it Honor If be cruel-hearted come ture your dream If be cruel-hearted learn from failed learn how to win If be cruel-hearted fire everything all pains fail judge honor Take the ball Take the cluth shot you can do everything If be cruel-hearted just do it
李宁:Angthing is possible一切皆有可能
安踏:Keep moving 永不止步
阿迪:Impossible is nothing 没有不可能的事情
耐克:Just do it. 只管去做
雪碧(Sprite)Obey your thirst.晶晶亮,透心 凉! 百事可乐(Pepsi) Ask for more.渴望无限
索尼影碟机:The new digital era数码新时代
丰田汽车Poetry in motion, dancing close to me动态的诗,向我舞近
Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子) Let's make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)
Things go better with Coca-Cola. (Coca-Cola). 饮可口可乐,万事如意。(可口可乐) Fresh-up with Seven-up.(Seven-up) 提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜) For the Road Ahead.(Honda) 康庄大道。(本田) Engineered to move the human spirit.(Mercedes-Benz) 人类精神的动力。(梅塞德斯-奔驰) Make yourself heard. (Ericsson) 理解就是沟通。(爱立信)
Connecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚)
A Kodak moment. 就在柯达一刻。(柯达相纸 / 胶卷) Make yourself heard. 理解就是沟通。(爱立信手机) Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机) Apple thinks different. 苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。(苹果电脑)
詹姆斯5代广告中的广告词What makes someone great? Is it learning to shoot on a milk crate What about being named Mr. Basketball Ohio three times in a row? Or is it hanging three State...
阿迪达斯的英文广告语是什么你说的是哪个?篮球的应该有两版: (一)You were fooled(你被耍了) when I dunk that wheel(每当我扣篮) when I end up NBA scoring championship,twice(拿下两届NBA得分王) You were f...
科比最新的NIKE广告词是什么If you really want it. 只要你心够决 If you really want it,You'll push pass pain,use it;control it. 只要你心够决,就能征服痛苦,利用它,控制它. Glory,If you really wan...
耐克广告只要心够决的完整英文广告词是什么这是NIKE ROOM KOBE IV的广告词. 如下: If be cruel-hearted If be cruel-hearted you will conquer pains Use it Control it Honor If be cruel-hearted come ture your dr...
科比拍的NIKE广告的广告词是什么原文:Love me or hate me, it's one or the other. Always has been. Hate my game, my swagger. Hate my fade away, my hunger. Hate that I'm a veteran, a champion. Hat...
科比在代言nike广告是的广告词是什么科比新耐克广告词《只要心够决》 if you really want it if you really want it you'll push back pain use it control it glory if you really want it living your dream...
春夜喜雨的作者是什么代的什么这首诗写的一人更疯狂和客户广告《春夜喜雨》的作者是唐代的杜甫。 春夜喜雨 好雨知时节,当春乃发生。 随风潜入夜,润物细无声。 野径云俱黑,江船火独明。 晓看红湿处,花重锦官城。 《春夜喜雨》是唐诗名篇之一...
谁知道科比的联想手机广告的广告语及翻译谁知道科比的联想手机广告的广告语及翻译,求电脑广告中的英文含义英语广告句子:您好,联想手机广告的广告语及翻译是:Real elegance is not just about smiling when you win, it...