

05月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我想要一个班组口号品质和产量不要太长]嚣张点的: 文者称雄,武者称霸,xx-xxx-x班,雄霸天下。 扬帆起航,劈波斩浪,xx班一出,谁与争锋。 龙腾虎跃,雷霆万钧,无与伦比,万众一心。 齐心协力,争创佳绩,勇夺三军,所向披靡。 英明神武,...+阅读


西湖十景 the Ten Views of West Lake

苏堤春晓Spring Dawn by Su Causeway

曲院风荷Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard

平湖秋月Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake

断桥残雪Lingering Snow at the Broken Bridge

花港观鱼Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor

柳浪闻莺Orioles Singing in the Willows

双峰插云Twin Peaks Kissing the Sky

三潭印月Three Pools Mirroring the Moon


Welcome to the west lake.Hangzhou is called the praradise on earth,and the beauty of hangzhou mostly lies on the west lake.The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay. The lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers. The view of the West Lake is simply enchanting, which offers many attractions for tourists at home and abroad.

不知道你的具体要求是怎样的 如果有不满意的话可以联系我哦 希望对你有所帮助


西湖十景形成于南宋时期,基本围绕西湖分布,有的就位于湖上。苏堤春晓、曲苑风荷、平湖秋月、断桥残雪、柳浪闻莺、花港观鱼、雷峰夕照、双峰插云、南屏晚钟、三潭印月。西湖十景各擅其胜,组合在一起又能代表古代西湖胜景精华,所以无论杭州本地人还是外地山水客都津津乐道,先游为快。 在南宋之后,又分别有元代钱塘十景,清代西湖十八景,清乾隆杭州二十四景,1985新西湖十景,2007第九届中国杭州西湖博览会西湖十景。 苏堤春晓 苏堤南起南屏山麓,北到栖霞岭下,全长近三公里,她是北宋大诗人苏东坡任杭州知州时,疏浚西湖,利用挖出的葑泥构筑而成。后人为了纪念苏东坡治理西湖的功绩将她命名为苏堤。长堤卧波,连接了南山北山,给西湖增添了一道妩媚的风景线。

南宋时,苏堤春晓被列为西湖十景之首,元代又称之为“六桥烟柳”而列入钱钱十景,足见她自古就深受人们喜爱。 寒冬一过,苏堤犹如一位翩翩而来的报春使者,杨柳夹岸,艳桃灼灼,更有湖波如镜,映照倩影,无限柔情。最动人心的,莫过于晨曦初露,月沉西山之时,轻风徐徐吹来,柳丝舒卷飘忽,置身堤上,勾魂销魂。 苏堤长堤延伸,六桥起伏,为游人提供了可以悠闲漫步而又观瞻多变的游赏线。走在堤、桥上,湖山胜景如画图般展开,万种风情,任人领略。苏堤上的六座拱桥,自南向北依名为映波、锁澜、望山、压堤、东浦和跨虹。桥头所见,各领风骚:映波桥与花港公园又相邻,垂杨带跨雨,烟波摇漾;锁澜桥近看小瀛洲,远望保叔塔,近实远虚;望山桥上西望,丁家山岚翠可挹,双峰插云巍然入目;压堤桥约居苏堤南北的黄金分割位,旧时又是湖船东来西去的水道通行口,“苏堤春晓”景碑亭就在桥南;东浦桥有理由怀疑是“束浦桥的讹传,这里是湖上观日出佳点之一;跨虹桥看雨后长空彩虹飞架,湖山沐晖,如入仙境。

Sudi Chunxiao Sudi foothills south from Nanping, north to the Xixia Ling, the total length of nearly three kilometers, she is the Northern Song Dynasty poet Su Dongpo, known as Hangzhou, the dredging of West Lake, the use of the excavated soil to build from Feng. Future generations to commemorate the achievements of West Lake Su Dongpo governance will be named as she Sudi. Long Beach lying wave, connected to the Beishan Nanshan, to the West Lake added a charming landscape. Southern Song Dynasty, Sudi Chunxiao Thrilling Scenic Sites was listed as the head of the West Lake, also known as the Yuan Dynasty "six Yanliu Bridge" and included in the Qianqian Thrilling Scenic Sites, reflected on her by the ancient people loved. Had a severe winter, Sudi Pianpian like an emissary from the reported spring, willow Gaan, Yan Tao Zhuozhuo, more lake-like mirror that reflects Qianying, unlimited Rouqing. The most touching the heart, is the dawn Chulu, the Western Hills, Shen, Qingfeng blowing slowly, Liu Sishu Volume Piaohu, outside breakwaters, Gouhunxiaohun. Sudi Long Beach extension, the six bridges ups and downs, to provide visitors can leisurely stroll and praised the volatile Line outbound tours. Walk in the embankment, bridge, such as drawing as Hushan Shengjing start, 10,000 kinds of style, being a taste. Sudi on the six arch bridge, from south to north called video-on, lock Lan, Wang Shan, pressure embankment, Dongpu and cross-Hong. Bridge can see, all leading position: Ying-Bridge and spend in Hong Kong and the adjacent park, with cross-Chui Yang Yu, Yang Yan Bo shake; lock Lan see small bridge near Yng-Jou, Yuanwang-tert-tower, it is far nearly empty; Wang Shan Xi Wang bridge, SHAN Lan Ding Yi Cui may be, double-Weiran inserted into the head; pressure bridge embankment about Habitat Sudi North-South split in the gold, is the old West Lake to the owner to use the waterway mouth, "Su Embankment in Early Spring "King Beiting on the southbound; Dongpu bridge is reason to believe that the" beam of Echuan Pu Bridge, where the lake is on the point of sunrise good one-Hongqiao see the vast sky rainbow after the rain Fei Jia, Wu Shan Mu Hui, such as in Wonderland.




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