The Dujiangyan Dam, 45km north of Chengdu, is an ancient technological wonder of the country. More than 2000 yers ago, Li Bing(250-200BC), as a local governor of the Shu State, designed this water control and irrigation dam and organized thousands of local people to complete the project to check the Mingjiang River.For many years the river,flooded the Chengdu agricultural area and local farmers suffered a lot from the water disaster. Due to the success of the project, the dam automatically diverts the Mingjiang River and channels it into irrigation canals. For many years the dam has continued to make the most of the water conservancy works. Expansion has been undertaken since 1949 and at present the system does a good job of irrigating farming land across 33counties of the western part of Sichuan Province. Local people feel proud of the system becaude it has supported a large amount of people in their daily life. What makes this system so good? The system is a large hydraulic water project which consists of three main parts: the Fish Mouth Water-Dividing Dam, the Flying Sand Fence, and the Bottle-Neck Channel. The Fish mouth functions to divide the flow of water into an inner river and an outer river. Long ago, when Li Bing worked as the local governor of the Shu State, he found the old river canal was too narrow to hold much water, which often overflowed the banks and caused disastrous flood. Based on natural geographic conditions, he organized the people to build a man-made dam. The whole dam looks like a fish, and the front dam has a circular cone shaped like a fish mouth. It is the dam that channels water into an outer canal and an inner canal. The outer water canal functions as the main stream and holds sixty percent of water in the river. The extra water goes through the inner canal for irrigation in Chengdu areas. The Flying Sand Fence joins the inner and outer canals. The fence functions to controll the flow of water and discharge excess into the inner canal from the main stream. During the dry season the fence doesn't work much, but when floods occur, the river rushes forward along the outer canal. As it approaches the fence, the fence,the river begins to turn round fast and soon many whirlpools are formed. The volatile whirlpools sweep away sand and pebbles and, throw them into the outer canal. For many years huge bamboo baskets were used as the fence. They were filled with stones and pebbles. However,at present, reinforced concrete weir has replaced the ancient fence. So now, let's discuss the Bottle-Neck Channel. A trunk canal was cut through the mountain into two parts which link up the inner canal for irrigation. The small part is later called Li Dui, which means an isolated hill. Chengdu looks like a large bottle and the trunk canal between the mountain and the hill takes shape of the bottleneck. The trunk canal technically has two functions: First, it leads the water to irrigate the farming land in western Sichujan; Secondly, the trunk casnal works together with the Flying Sand Weir to keep the flow below a certain point in the inner canal during flood season. Some stone tablets, which stand on the isolated hill, are engraved in Buddhist Sanskrit. The local people hope that the Buddhist tablets can exert the Buddhist superpower to harness flood disaster. For over two thousand years, in fact, the Fish Mouth Water-Dividing Dam, the Flying Sand Weir, and the Bottle-neck Channel automatically work together to control foods and sweep away sand and stones in the main stram. The local people benefit a lot from this project. Not far from the Dujiang Dam, a Daoist temple complex was wrwcted was erected to commemorate the benevolent rule of Li Bing and his son who succeeded him. Li Bing and his son were granted the posthumous title of Wang. The folk story says that July 24of the Chinese Lunar Calendar is Li Bing' birthday. On the day many local people visit the temple where they prostrate themselges before the image of Li Bing and his son and burn incense to honor them. The larger-than-life painted statues of father and son overlook the rushing river below. Nearby a stone tablet os engraved with a famous six-character quotation from Li Bing,"when the river flows in zigzags, cut a straight channel. When the riverbeb is wide and shallow, dig it deeper." The temple which is built near the mountaintop, is a popular stopping place for sightseers. There one can enjoy a unique view of the most modern parts of the water conservation project. People appreciate the ancient wonder, which still works to benefit people today.
襄阳城在襄樊市区汉水南岸。南跨汉沔,北接京洛,地处要冲,水陆交通方便。春秋时为楚国之北津戍,东汉末为荆州牧刘表治所,是历代兵家必争之地。城郭建置历史悠久,元末城垣大部被毁,明洪武初,又于旧址重筑。城高8.5米,周长7.3公里,四面六门,其四角皆建子城,各为角楼。此后虽屡毁屡修,但仍存明初旧制。现全城轮廓尚存、尤以北城垣最完整,清代重修的临汉门城楼仍耸立城头,重檐九脊,古貌犹存。登楼远眺,北临汉水滔滔,碧波萦带;南望岘山,岗峦连绵,城郭街市,尽收眼底。西南楚山如屏,群峰列峙,一揽天然之胜。其西北角有子城,名“夫人城”,相传为晋朱序之母韩夫人所筑。 襄阳城雄据汉水中游,楚为北津戌至今已有2800多年的历史;城池始建于汉;周长7公里;护城河最宽处250米,堪称华夏第一城池,自古就有“铁打的襄阳”之说。
如今,雄伟壮观。古朴典雅的城池,与新近修复的仲宣楼昭明台等历史名胜融为一体,交相辉映,为我国历史文化名城之一。襄阳城共有六座城门,即大,小北门,长门,东门,西门和南门。 襄阳城每座城门外又有瓮城也叫屯兵城。 万历四年,知府万振孙为六门首提雅称,分别为:阳春门,文昌门,西城门,拱震门,临汉门,震花门。因西门是朝拜真武祖师庙的必经之路,故又称为“朝圣门”。 襄阳城在明清时,古建筑较为完整:六门城楼高耸,四方角楼稳峙,王粲楼,狮子楼,奎星楼点缀十里城郭,金瓦琉璃,高墙飞檐,煞是壮观,整个城池都和谐地融为一体,给人以古朴典雅的感受。襄樊市政府近年来下了很大功夫修复古城,采取了一系列的措施,保持了襄阳古城墙古朴的原貌。
襄阳城北、东、南由滔滔汉水环绕,西靠羊祜山、凤凰山诸峰。城墙始筑于汉,后经历代整修,现基本完好,墙体高约10米,厚1.3—1.5米,周长7.4公里, 据山临水,蔚为壮观,明人李言恭诗赞“楼阁依山出,城高逼太空。”城下环以护城河,平均宽度180米,最宽处250米,人称“华夏第一城池”。整个襄阳城布局严谨,形势险要,自古誉为“铁打的襄阳”。 襄阳城为全国历史文化名城之一,地处湖北省北部,汉水中游。《汉书?地理志》谓:“襄阳位于襄水之阳,故名。”战国时楚置北津戌,始为军政重邑。汉时置县,三国时置郡,此后历代为州、郡、府治所。汉唐两代,襄阳城处于历史上的鼎盛时期。《荆州记》载:东汉时襄阳经济繁荣,文化发达,城南一带号称“冠盖里”。
汉献帝初平元年(190年)刘表为荆州刺史,将州治从汉寿迁至襄阳, 使襄阳城由县级治所一跃升为京城以下州的首府,地辖今湖北、湖南两省及河南、广东、广西、贵州等省的一部分,成为当时中南地区的政治、经济、军事、文化中心。唐代襄阳城为山南东道治所,辖区扩及今陕西、四川的部分地区。明末李自成攻占襄阳城,并在此建立国家政权,自称“新顺王”,改襄阳为襄京。1950年5月1日,襄阳与汉水对岸的樊城合为襄樊市。 襄阳城,是座巍峨雄丽的古城。她以悠久的历史,灿烂的文化,丰富的文物古迹,壮丽的山川河流而闻名遐迩,古往今来不知有过多少骚人墨客在此留步,写下了许多呤诵她的动人诗篇。唐代著名诗人王维泛舟汉江,怀着对襄阳的深厚感情,写下了富有感染力的诗篇《汉江临眺》:“楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。
江流天地外,山色有无中。 郡邑浮前浦,波澜动远空。 襄阳好风日,留醉与山公。”
简单说导游词分三个主要部分,欢迎词,景点讲解词,欢送词。 欢迎词很简单,首先欢迎客人共度快乐旅程,接下来说明自己,说明司机,最后表达希望能共同配合完成美好旅程的愿望。 如果是全陪的话,景点讲解就很简单,把要游览的主要景点概括的说明一下,然后告诉客人到目的地后有地接导游提供更细致的讲解;如果是地接导游那就要考研基本功了,需要自己收集景点的讲解导游词,再加以整理就是你自己的东西了,比如说,我带的是自然景观,就从大的讲,讲地形地貌,植被特点进而引申到我们今天所参观的是什么类型的景点,然后再细致下去。如果带的是历史人文类型的那也很简单,熟读相关历史,从大的往小的方面讲,总的一个思想,就是从大的方面不断往小的方面剖析下来,一般我们讲解的景点都是历史长河中的一个点,所以只要按条例梳理,就是顺理成章的事情了,(例如长江三峡的悬棺,首先如果是我个人的话,从江西龙虎山开始,那里是悬棺的发源地,春秋战国时就有了,后来沿袭路线逆长江而上,也就是从下游到上游,越往上游时间距今越短,三峡地区的悬棺大多集中于明清时期,就像我们现在在船舷右侧岩峰里所看到的悬棺一样........) 总之无论哪里的导游词,只要在心中找准一根主线,随便怎么讲都行。
各位游客们,大家好! 今天,由我来担任你们的导游员,我叫曲歌,我们参观的是“鸟的天堂”!现在,我们乘船已经到达了广东省新会县环城乡天马村前的天马河岸边。大家有没有注意到,在你们的身旁,有一棵大榕树,它不但大,还有一个别致的名字叫"鸟的天堂",因为它为鸟的生活提供了一个美好的环境,所以鸟儿也用自己排泄出来的粪便给大榕树施肥,我们亲切地称它为"鸟的天堂"。据资料记载,这棵榕树至今已有五百余年的历史了,多么旺盛的生命力啊,这就是世界上"独木成林"的奇观。你们一会问,“鸟的天堂”里怎么会没有鸟呢?这是因为现在是黄昏,此时鸟儿已栖息。如果是早晨,那可热闹了,到外都是鸟声,到处都是鸟影,大的,小的,花的,黑的鸟都有,一片活跃的气象。
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