

07月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[天坛导游词200字]天坛导游词200字篇【1】 亲爱的游客们,你们好吗?我是你们的导游,你们可以叫我刘导,我们今天所要参观的就是以前皇帝祭天的地方天坛。 明朝永乐皇帝在北京南城仿照南京的大祀殿...+阅读


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Good evening everyone. I am very much honored that I he chance to give all of you this trip-guiding of Hunan Business College. My name is Wang Nan. who is an initiative boy from Guangdong province. My job is to smooth you way care for your welfare and assist you in whatever way I can during your stay in ChangSha. Now I would like to introduce to you Mr.yang our drive. His bus number is 湘J123456.If you needs any help please don’t hesitate to let us know. We will try to do our very best to make your stay a pleasant one. We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

As the old saying goes:“Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand” but in my opinion Hunan business college give us a sense that after studying here we can he wisdom in mind and money in hand at the same time! Ok just a joke. Today I‘d like to show you some excellent landscapes of my alma mater. First please aloud me to show you some information about Hunan Business College.

Hunan Business College is a government-sponsored full time college one of the colleges and universities specially supported overall economic and social development in HuNan province. Located in ChangSha; the capital city of HuNan the college covers a total area of 800 mu and the floor space about 400 kilometers square meters. Convenient transportation and equipment add to the charm of the college.

Despite our great acplishment we are still a “developing school” especially in the area of tourism. Years ago for example there were virtually no tour groups in our school but today tourism has grown by leaps and bounds. We are building more facilities and training more personnel to serve the growing numbers of people who are eager to visit Hunan Business College. Our long tradition of hospitality is legendary. We hope that your visit to Hunan Business College will be one of your special memories. Thank you!

Morning everybody after a good night sleep we are going to visit an amazing building which is filled with Knowledge.—the library building.

A criticism often heard these days is that the subjects taught in schools tend to be too academic; However I am in for of the opinion that man does not live by bread alone knowledge can enrich our lives and make us feel that we are part of the great family of mankind. In brief this marvelous building will give us wonderful affection so what we are waiting for? Let’s he a 0-meter-contect with this erection. This library was set up in 1990. She receive a copy of almost every publication produced in the china. The collection includes 1.5 million items in most known languages30 thousand new items are incorporated every year. We house manus maps newspapers magazines prints and drawings music scores and patents With the rapidly development of our school the equipment of library is better and better by step and step.

This morning we are going to visit the Jing Palace.

The Jing Palace is located on the northwest suburbs of Hunan Business College about 0.5 kilometers away from the library. So it will take us about 5 minutes to get there. Before we arrived at the Jing Palace I would like to introduce you a brief introduction of this wonderful garden.

The Jing Palace is the most beautiful and the largest garden existing in college

The Jing Palace was first built as an fort-garden in the late 1990s The construction continued during the 20th century. Last year the building of gardens reached its culmination. In the middle of the garden a small mountain is standing there full of trees and lights. You can enjoy this good place any time. As a consequence many lovers pay a visit to here which is also a sensational seeing of Jing Palace. Ok I will give all of you half an hour to catch a sight of this microcosm we will meet here 30 minutes later I hope you will enjoy your visit. Thank you all.

After a meal and some rest we are on the way to the statuary of the most famous teacher in the history of china—Kong Zi. Firstly I’d like to give you some information about this educationalist who is also he reputation all over the world.

Kong Zi is the builder of the Ru religion. He was born in the country named Lu. By the time he was young his father died as a consequence he he no money to e to the school. however he study by himself and dig the knowledge about the life and society. Ru religion is set up by Kongzi Which is also one of the most important religions in China.

This statuary is 5.29 meters high made by copper showing enlightenment and majesty. The varnish is shining luridly. I am sure all of you will enjoy this statuary.

Ladies and Gentlemen you must be very tired by now. No arrangement will be made for this evening. Tomorrow morning I will take you all to the airport. This is the hotel we will lee in tonight. Your morning call will be at 7:00 .then we‘ll he breakfast at 8:00. Thank so much to your cooperation and collaboration. I also wish that my One-day guiding can make your staying in Hunan Business College pleasant and enjoyable. Please give the best regards of everybody of our corporation to your family。

May be we can see each other again some time. At last I hope that your visit to Hunan Business College will be a memorable experience. Thank you!!


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