[文化用品店的广告词]去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:劫报务乘 晨光牌笔广告策划案组员:李盛发罗瑶李蓉萍郭婷欢晨光致力于提供舒适、有趣、环保、高性价比的文具用品,让人们享受使用过程并激发...+阅读
品王酒:古有三塘,今有品王 早一口 中一口 晚一口——品王酒 三口品王酒李白也不走 一口纯 两口香 三口品王酒:一口香,两口醇,三口难忘酒品王——品王酒为你尽情助兴 . 品王,品味成功,品味人生。 品王美酒飘香,品王十年辉煌
King: the wine tasted three pond, this is a mouthful of king product early evening a king -- product liquor taste wine 3 king li also don't walk a pure two sweet wine: three mouth taste sweet, a king, two three mouth unforgettable taste wine -- you enjoy drinking wine for the king, the king, taste success tasted, life taste. The king should taste wine taste, and reigned ten years
写给灾区人民的一封英文慰问信The people of China have been very much in my thoughts over the past two weeks as I have watched, with mounting concern, the effects of the devastation caused b...
急求公益广告英文参考文献和中文翻译字数3000左右Um,Mummy,why did you say that we need to think about the way we travel? Because it is hurting the world. And if we carry on travel on our own, things could get...
旅游广告论文参考文献英文的Book: Annotation serial number. Author. Monograph. Book title [M]. publishing house, publication year. Beginning and end page number periodical: Annotation seri...
关于网络广告的英文文献Online advertising Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web for the expressed purpose of delivering marketing message...
急求一份关于网络营销的英文文献及翻译一、网页策略 A, web strategy 在网络市场空间企业的网站即代表着企业自身的形象。因此必须: In the network market space enterprise website which represents the enterp...
一句简单的耳环广告词1、如花美眷,似水流年;如此美饰,弥爱心间。 2、一缕美艳,笑意浅媚,缘来饰你。 3、拥有璀璨饰品,才配做时尚女人。 4、绿袖理红颜,珠蕊玉白芯,卿本为佳人, 唯“饰”女儿情。 5、桃之夭...
谁还能写出这类的广告词1、箭牌口香糖 一箭如故 一箭钟情(箭牌口香糖广告语) 2、骑乐无穷(某摩托车广告语) 3、一明惊人(某眼病治疗仪广告语) 4、衣名惊人(某服装广告语) 5、无胃不至(某治胃药广告语) 6、饮...
关于英国牛津大学英文导游词怎么说Oxford is a unique and historic institution。 As the oldest English-speaking university in the world, it lays claim to eight centuries of continuous existence。...