[学好广告平面设计需要掌握哪些软件?怎样才能学好它]软件掌握类 平面设计的软件比较多,但是现在比较常用的是photoshop,coreldraw,freehand,illustrator,pagemaker, photoshop主要是做图像处理,以及文字较少的广告画面 coreldraw...+阅读
Nowadays,in the age of industry ,advertisement is seen everywhere .advantages and disadvantage of advertisement have been hotly discussed .some of them insist that advertisement has many advantages.good advertisement can tell people what is good and wrong.pushing people gain more information of many things .meanwhile ,the opposite think advertisement lead to wrong side affect .even some advertisement conceals the truth .
as far as i am concerned ,i think even some of advertisement harms people good affect,but the advertisement do more good than bad.as long as government establish more laws to regulate the advertisement market ,advertisement can be us good servant .
广告设计应该熟悉掌握哪些工具软件平面广告设计软件 主要内容:广告公司常用的Photoshop、Illustrator 、PageMaker、Freehand、CorelDraw等设计软件。 Photoshop:学习图像处理、编辑、通道、图层、路径综合运用...
广告平面设计的工具怎么用才能快捷虽然你的问题很含糊, 但是我表明一下我的答案. 1、建新文件:Ctrl+N 2、打开文件:Ctrl+O 3、保存文件:Ctrl+S 4、输入图像:Ctrl+I 5、输出图像:Ctrl+E 6、打印文件:Ctrl+P 7、复原操...
反腐倡廉广告策划案怎么做你这个命题是当下社会热点,“反腐倡廉”属于法律道德范畴,属于公益类。 这类广告不能过于直白,广告创作手法上建议采用一些隐喻,以事喻人。 比如: 1、用树比喻立场,不能随意改变立...
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