girls and boys,
Welcome here,this is Canipfire Evening,this is a stage everyone who wanna show your talent as much as you like,please join us,step forward this stage in the accompany of guitar,OK,dance and relax your every cell in your body,we will be friends in the games later also.
Crazy evening begins!!
还有什么需要帮助,QQ 19220187
一则禁止抽烟公益广告的作文现在,在电视上公益广告随处可见,那广告词写得越来越幽默,也越来越发人深省了。 就像少儿频道的这样一个公益广告:一个易拉罐被扔到了火车上,在火车上的人踢来踢去,谁也不捡起来扔...
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一篇英语作文一则广告Nowadays, more and more advertisements appear on newspapers, broadcasts,magazines as well as streets. People have different views on advertisements. Some people...