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歌曲名:My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light 'Em Up) Fall Out Boy 2013年度全新专辑《Save Rock and Roll》主打歌。 歌词: Be-Be careful making wishes in the dark, dark 暗影中要小心祈祷 Can't be sure when they've hit their mark 很难保证他们在达成自己的愿望后会给你兑现 And besides in the mean,mean time I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart 在最艰辛的日子里我仅仅诅咒你被撕碎 I'm in the deep details with the devil 我与恶魔站在同一立场 So the world can never get me on my level 所以在现在这个世界我已经势不可挡 I just got to get you out of the cage 我想要帮你挣脱束缚 I'm a young lover's rage 化为恋人的怒火 Gonna need a spark to ignite 用烈焰将一切化作灰烬 My songs know what you did in the dark 我的歌知道你在黑暗中做了什么 So light em up, light em up, light em up 所以拆穿它们,点燃它们,毁灭他们 I'm on fire 以我的火之力 So light em up, light em up, light em up 所以拆穿它们,点燃它们,毁灭他们 I'm on fire 以我的火之力 (In the dark, dark In the dark, dark) Writers keep writing what they write 所有的见证人都在记录这一时刻 Somewhere another pretty vein just dies 一处伊甸园将会毁灭 I've got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see 我已经得到的未来的惩罚,希望你不要重蹈覆辙 That you're the antidote to everything except for me 你可以轻易毁灭万物,但对我没戏 A constellation of tears on your lashes 你热泪盈眶 Burn everything you love 毁灭了你所珍爱的一切 Then burn the ashes 直到它们化为虚无 In the end everything collides 到最后冲突无法避免 My childhood spat back out the monster that you see 我的灰色童年造就了怪兽般的我 My songs know what you did in the dark 我的歌知道你在黑暗中做了什么 So light em up, light em up, light em up 所以拆穿它们,点燃它们,毁灭他们 I'm on fire 以我的火之力 So light em up, light em up, light em up 所以拆穿它们,点燃它们,毁灭他们 I'm on fire 以我的火之力 (In the dark, dark In the dark, dark) My songs know what you did in the dark 我的歌知道你在黑暗中做了什么 My songs know what you did in the dark 我的歌知道你在黑暗中做了什么 So light em up, light em up, light em up 所以拆穿它们,点燃它们,毁灭他们 I'm on fire 以我的火之力 So light em up, light em up, light em up 所以拆穿它们,点燃它们,毁灭他们 I'm on fire 以我的火之力 (In the dark, dark In the dark, dark) 歌曲成绩: 首发气势不凡,蝉联英国摇滚单曲金榜8周冠军,抢进英国流行金榜第5名,单曲在美国发行首周空降iTunes单曲榜冠军,抢占全美热门数字下载歌曲榜第3名、摇滚歌曲榜第8名,同时挺进全美热门单曲榜、流行歌曲榜、另类歌曲榜、成人流行歌曲榜TOP 40,音乐录像带在YouTube吸睛超过680万人次。


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