[让大家更团结的团队游戏]让大家更团结的团队游戏 游戏一:坐地起身 一.项目类型:团队合作型 二.道具要求:无需其他道具 三.场地要求:空旷的场地一块四.项目时间:20分钟-30分钟 五.详细游戏规则: 1、要...+阅读
In this day and age, many people do not read for pleasure. The Internet and television have become most people's main form of entertainment, and reading is becoming a thing of the past. However, people enjoy different kinds of reading. Some people do research, some people read to learn how to do things, and some people read in order to enjoy stories or poetry. Reading can greatly enhance your life experience, and there are ways to make it even more enjoyable, whether you do it frequently or just for assignments. Before anything else, figure out why you want to read.
Dear friends
In today's society,many students no longer enjoy reading, but to focus on network novels, comics, etc. Even the use of class time to read novels too.
As the old saying says: Reading break rolls, write if God.
In fact, reading have a lot of good sense. For example reading can help people gain knowledge and open their mind too.Reading can make people smart, and can help our growing.
Let us do: a good read, read good books!
亲爱的同学们: 人间四月天,读书好时节。 读书,关系到一个人的人文素养;读书,关乎一所学校的文化品位。做一名积极向上、健康文明的读者,建一所民主和谐、富有文化品味的校园,是邑大全体师生自身发展的需要,更是时代的迫切需求。以读书求新知,以读书求进步,以读书求发展,在阅读中开阔视野、增长知识、陶冶情操、丰富精神世界,是提高全校师生文化素养、营造良好校园文化氛围的重要渠道。 在第二十一个“世界读书日”来临之际,为进一步打造书香校园,激发邑大学子的读书热情,培养自身良好的阅读习惯,校团委向大家发出如下倡议:
一、开卷有益——爱读书 当代青年正处于日新月异的时代变革的大潮中,更须不断用新的知识武装自己的头脑,把读书作为丰富学识、陶冶情操、促进自身全面发展的有效途径。从热爱读书、爱护书籍开始,培养读书的兴趣,在校园中营造爱读书的新风尚。
二、行万里路——多读书 古人云:读万卷书,行万里路。书籍是人类进步的阶梯,以书会友,互助共学,做到阅读与校园读书交流活动常态化、长效化,努力做到“一人所学为众人所学,一人所长为众人所长”,让读书成为一种美德,让生命因读书而更加充实。
三、学海无涯——勤读书 时间像海绵里的水,挤一挤总会有的。珍惜与书籍相伴的时光,在书籍汇成的海洋里执着探索,收获智慧的果实,开启知识的宝藏。让勤读书的阅读习惯在校园内 ......
读书月活动英语倡议书Dear friends In today's society,many students no longer enjoy reading, but to focus on network novels, comics, etc. Even the use of class time to read novels to...
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