

08月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[护士毕业自荐信怎么写急各位帮帮忙帮我写份]尊敬xx人民医院领导: 您好,感谢您阅读我的护士自荐信! 我叫xxx,是xx大学医护学院应届毕业生.在校期间,本人学习勤奋刻苦,目标明确,学业成绩优秀,专业理论扎实,大学英语水平已具备基本...+阅读


Your honorific leader,Dear Sir / Madam: This is XX (姓名), male, a graduate from university. I am writing this letter to offer my services for a post in your company and I am here firstly wholehearted to thank you for your skimming through it. My qualifications are as follows: Age: …Date of birth: …Education: graduate of XX Department, XX UniversityMajor(主修专业): …MarketingCourses: science of marketing, science of management, science of travel marketing, science of organizational behavior, client relationship management, etc. Experience: (如有工作经历,最好罗列几个,打工也可以)Capacity: Provided with ability for listening, speaking, reading and writing in English; Operating computer office software skillfully, such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel and so on; Familiar with the theory on basic specialty knowledge of economy.Self- evaluation: Firstly, I am a hardworking man and I prefer reading rather than idling about. During the four years of study as a university student, not only have I learned my major courses by the numbers, but I have made full use of the part time off courses hours to read a good many of various books. By means of reading broadly, I am enriched with every field of knowledge and provided with all-round skills. The most of the all, I have shaped myself into a man of character with plainness, steadiness and innovation due to my religious style of study and upright learning attitude. Besides, I can easily get well along with others pleasantly because I am an extravert. Above all, I am a man that usually expects a favorable outcome, so that I am full of vigor to be ready to contribute myself to the ideal target that I go in for all the time. I know well that opportunity always shows its appreciation for those who are loaded for bear. Therefore, I have grinded the will away in practice to rise to the challenge to all kinds of difficulties and problems. At ordinary times, I pay close attention to intensify my community responsibility and take an active part in various social activities. I used to work as committeemen of art office and of discipline office in the university, which developed my capacity for work and taught me how to get in touch with other better. I am interested in all-round tastes. On the playground I am a good basketball player and I can play the piano dexterously. In one word, I live a colourful life. If these meet your requirements, please grant me an interview. Your prompt attention to my request will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your early reply. Yours obediently XX August X, 2009


My name is Li Hua, I am a high school student, in the China Daily, Shanghai World Expo saw an ad recruiting volunteers, you think you qualify, I have in recent years, eighteen, good health and good English, can use daily to communicate in English. I am happy to help others in life, with dedication. If I can become a member of the volunteers, I was able to fifteen days of continuous service, willing to participate in the necessary training, subject to the management of the organizers.

I want to give me a chance, I will strive to become a good volunteer. I will be waiting for your reply.




我站在阳台上,听风从我耳边吹过,我想远方眺望,看到高中生在校园中欢笑。不禁想到了自己已经从这所高中中走出,开始我的大学生活了。高中生活,怀念…… 老师:在忙碌的生活中别忘了抽个时间,让自己轻松一下,永远保持一颗年轻快乐的心。 老师:人世间最珍贵的,莫过于真诚的师生情,深切的怀念,像幽香的小花,开在深谷。风是透明的,雨是滴答的,云是流动的,歌是自由的,爱是用心的,天是永恒的,您是难忘的。


老师: 高中3年就像一场梦 ,当梦醒时,才懂得珍惜 ,才懂得需要告别,当我梦醒时 ,想要挽留 ,可是一切都不会在重来 ,我只希望能再次走进那个美丽的梦中 。似乎是在弹指一挥间 ,我告别了, 开始迈向充满无数遐想的花季——美好的少年时代 ,过去的3个春秋将成为我永恒的纪念. 老师:流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有师生情永存心中。老师,再见!老师,珍重!





帮我写份求职信楼主,你好! 敬启者: 获悉贵公司招聘人才。本人曾在xx国际大酒店工作2年 做过切配1年 划菜1年担任之久,自信有充分工作经验,可担任贵公司所招聘的职务。 本人自xxxx年开始,一直担任...

请大家帮我写一份感谢信感谢信 我在此代表我的全家人十分的感谢这位*阿姨。某年某月某日我去某地开家长会、回家时不慎把装有若干元和身份证、驾驶证的钱包丢失。正为钱包等贵重物品发愁的时候、突...

我想请大家帮我写一段圣诞节的祝福话愿将我的思念和祝福,浓缩在芬郁的卡片中, 在此安逸的节日,默默的送给大家。 白色的雪,绿色的树,衬着红杉白须的慈爱老人, 驾着轱辘车报送平安,带给我最亲爱的朋友! 一份不渝的情谊,执...

谁能帮我写份自荐信自荐信 尊敬的校领导: 您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的自荐材料! 本人是XX班的XX,是XX学院X的应届毕业生。来自XX。 大学生活转瞬即逝,但我还是不得不说这几年终将成为我人生...



帮我写份求职信网上找的: 敬爱的领导: 您好!打扰了,我是工业学校即将毕业的学生,很荣幸学的专业符合您单位的需要,我希望在精力之际,找到一份适合自己的工作,充分的展现自己的才华,实现自己的人身价...

谁帮我写个英文自荐信啊谁帮我写个英文自荐信啊,急求英文求学自荐信模板:若是求职信,要小心收信人的姓名,切忌用 Dear Sir / Madam, 最好直接寄给该公司的最高负责人,用如 Dear Mr. Smith, 等称呼,这能给人...

请大家帮写份英文自荐信副中文高分求最好不要直接硬翻译的请大家帮写份英文自荐信副中文高分求最好不要直接硬翻译的,急求 1000字以上大学生英文求职信:Corp. leads honorable rising sun: You be nice! I call XX , being XX univers...
