

08月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求职信写作建议]If youre like most job seekers, youre not taking advantage of one of the best ways to get a hiring managers attention: writing a great cover letter. 大多数求职...+阅读


1. Tweak your tone for every pany.

1. 为每家公司调整措辞。

Dont send generic cover letters that can be used for any job application. You want to make sure that the tone of your letter fits the type of firm youre applying to. Is the pany looking for someone with sass or someone more serious? Figure that out on your own, and tailor your letter to what suits the pany.


2. Make a case.

2. 写具体事例。

You wont be able to get to this on your rsum, so be sure to make the case for why youre the right person for the job and why you want to work for the pany on your cover letter. A good way to sell yourself is to connect your experiences with the job deion. List your skills and experiences that match the type of candidate they are looking to hire.


3. Be different.

3. 内容要和简历不一样。

Dont repeat everything on your rsum in your cover letter. The letter is your chance to shine and show a bit of your personality. Repeating whats already been said just takes up valuable space.


4. Dont bring up your weaknesses.

4. 不要提到弱点。

If no one is asking you what your biggest failings are, then dont be so eager to volunteer that information. The cover letter is not the time to reflect on self-improvement; se that for the weakness question you may be asked during the interview.


5. Focus on the pany, not yourself.

5. 关注该公司而不是你自己。

Try your best to show that you care about the pany and how you want to help it grow. Try to oid using too much I, and instead show how you can be a helpfuladdition to the pany.


6. Stick to the right length.

6. 严格遵守求职信格式。

Limit yourself to a page, and try to stick to four paragraphs. The first should prisean introduction, the position youd like to apply for, and a sentence briefly summarizingwhy youd like the job and why youre a perfect fit. The next two paragraphs should go on to mention applicable skills and specific achievements that further showcase how qualified you are for the job. You can even use some of the space to explain yoursuitability if it needs more details, such as why youre changing careers. The last paragraph should be a brief emphasis on why youre excited for the position and a place for you to thank the readers for their time and consideration. You can also make a polite mention of letting them know youll be in touch.


7. Keep it clean.

7. 语句无错,前后一致。

Be sure to repeatedly edit your cover letter, and always he at least one other pair of eyes look it over. Check for grammar mistakes, run-on sentences, and spelling errors. Make sure everything is consistent. If you say I am in the first sentence, then dont suddenly switch to Im in the next.

一定要反复修改求职信,至少让一个小伙伴检查。检查语法错误、断句和拼写错误。确保前后一致。如果你先写的是I am,就不要在后面写Im。



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