

12月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[以节约为话题根据学校常见情况以班级的名义写一份倡议书]节约能源从我们身边做起 节约能源资源,走科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的路子,是坚持和落实科学发展观的必然要求,也是关系我国...+阅读

Union high integrity test. Petition claim Students: After months of hard and accumulation, we have the mid-term examination. This is a harvest of joy, is also a challenge at the moment. As for our mid-term exam to knowledge accumulation and half semester of the innovation ability of the students in our school is testing, inspection, the fine style of studying and attitude to us. No pains no gains. Facing the exam, have learned may may forget, but we can't lose honesty never. Facing the midterm exam will neither. In the harvest season, students must fruits and productive. Both the percentage of happiness, sincere friendship, and have the knowledge of the precious. Teachers in the hard work, we are not only a master grow, and the cultivation of noble moral character. We need to do is not only to calm, attending exam. More important is honesty answer each question, exert their true to test the real purpose of detection. We should think so, not for others to learn, but for his ideal and learning, just a test report. Good represents my own learning method, learning attitude, should continue to correct, Worse, nor let themselves for their confidence, but this time learning knapped alarm. Tell yourself to improve the learning methods and attitudes, strive for the progress. Therefore, examination, and transmission copied appeared at cheating on fully answer etc is not necessary. Teachers want is a real us, sincere to us. The surface, deceive the teachers, parents, not themselves, are famous words said: "life may not be opened in lies in the bright flowers." So, let us sit at the ready to confidence into the spirit of sincerity, play, let his life out of flowers. Let us act together, remind each urged. Let integrity from the campus, fraud for resident heart! Let's promise to credit "honesty, grasp the future hand!" Show us students study. Excellent union Finally, I wish all students in a fair and competitive environment in the mid-term exam excellent results


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