

12月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[优秀毕业班班主任主要事迹材料]男,小学特高级教师,年 月出生,年毕业于江西师范大学。现任锦小()班教师,并担任该班班主任,从走上教学岗位以来我一直关爱学生,爱岗敬业,尽职尽责,严于律己,以强烈的上进心和成就意识...+阅读

Dear Mom and Dad How are you!You cross fortunately in the home?Before taking pen in hand writes a letter to you,I first of all from the heart,would like to thank you,hank you for giving me the strong body,thank you for giving me the intelligent mind,also thanked you to let me have a good physical condition.But I would also like to thank you that educating me honest ,confidence and love. Maybe I won't be very rich in the future, but I will try my best to be a good person to pay back your love. Finally,I wish you good health at home. Thank you! Yous son
