

01月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[实习护士写自荐信]给你一个模板--但是最好自己写,与众不同,现在不是都在讲“创新”么??尊敬XX医院领导: 您好,感谢您阅读我的护士自荐信! 我叫XXX,是XX大学医护学院应届毕业生.在校期间,本人学习勤奋刻...+阅读

Distinguished leadership: Hello! First of all, Thank you for taking the job take the time to read this letter. I am the Anhui International Business Vocational College 04 graduates of professional e-XX. From 2004 to the present into the school, I always abide by the "Chi poverty struggle Must seize, strengthen confidence despite difficulties "with the dictum study hard in school. During the school principal learned: Customer Management, International Trade Practice, e-commerce, database management, computer and related Equipment, marketing, economics, database and application design and production, ASP e-commerce site Construction, advertising network, network marketing, e-commerce law, business management, and case studies of e-commerce, network security and information management And so on. At the same time, under the guidance of teachers, in the knowledge of the influence, the opportunity of bettering the practice, to become a university student with good academic performance. E-commerce is well aware of the professional innovative, world and the future of a new type of professional, at school, I treasure the time Work hard to study. Through three years of learning the system, I seized the opportunity of the major network economy era of modern enterprise management and technology, e-commerce Technical Services and Information Technology. Be able to control, computer science and information technology, the organic integration of scientific knowledge, information technology and modern business and The management theory and practice for modern business models and e-commerce business model to develop strategic planning and to be able to take on e-commerce Treasury system planning, construction, operation and management tasks. In order to enrich their knowledge, in my sophomore year through a national computer examinations three, and the Web production, maintenance And so on have a certain standard. . Usually diligent in thinking and cultivate their independent problem-solving abilities. The need for a successful career knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect opportunity to combine. By the same token, an honor the company's need to carry her carrier - who The selfless devotion. I urge you give me a chance, let me become a member of you, I will be very enthusiastic and work hard to Zhiyuzhien your newspaper, and very happy to work with colleagues in the future, for our common dedication to the cause of all the intelligence in good faith. Zhu Gui's final and good luck! Sincerely Salute One job: XXX April 23, 2008 这样可以吗?你在看一下。



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