[急急急。谁能用英语帮我写一封慰问信啊]Dear Mary I am sorry to hear that you got injured in a car accident. Are you better now? You'd better listen to the doctor and stay in bed until you can go to s...+阅读
Dear Tom I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling very well these days. I am very worried about you. But you know I am in charge of an very important program, I do not have enough time to come to see you . I am very sorry. As soon as I get some spare time ,I will come soon. Take care of yourself!Yours secerelySophia
请给住院的好友写封慰问信英语作文请高手帮忙!A Letter of Sympathy——to the Parents of the Columbia AstronautsDear parents of the Columbia astronauts. I am a student from X X Middle School in China. My nam...
慰问信英语作文句型Tamer Ma Tengfei thousands of miles, more sheep on a doublet. On the occasion of the New Year approaching, the school faculty Happy New Year, family well-being!...
一封英语慰问信亲爱的地震灾区的人民们: 你们好! 首先祝哪些受伤的小朋友早日康复,重返校园。 前几天你们哪里发生了7.8级强烈地震,使一些学校的校舍遭到严重损害,甚至有的学校瞬间变成了一片废...
写给灾区人民的一封英文慰问信The people of China have been very much in my thoughts over the past two weeks as I have watched, with mounting concern, the effects of the devastation caused b...
八一建军节就要到了公司想要组织活动去慰问老兵想八一建军正值八一建军节来临之际,你是否还在为挑选礼物送给军人朋友或家中长辈而烦恼?今天给大家推荐一款万里挑一的精品高白瓷国徽办公杯,让您不再为挑选礼物而犯愁。 高白瓷:亦称高级...
给四川的一封慰问信亲爱的四川省绵阳市安县秀水镇民星中学的老师和同学们: 5月12日的一场突发地震,使你们遭受了莫大的灾难,作为同胞的我们倍感痛心!在这场突如其来的灾难中,你们经受了难以想象的痛...