[英文捐赠感谢信]Thanks Letter Dear Sir Li: I am Jackson,a mayor of Sri Lanka. In the 26th,12,2004,we suffered a scare disaster which distroyed our houses and our quiet life.Han...+阅读
Dear ***(你没有说他的名字), Many thanks for your inviting me to your birthday party! I enjoyed myself a lot that night. I'm happy to know so many new friends and more about different alien cultures, which was of great benefit to me. And the dishes were very delicious as well. Thank you again for letting me have the chance to have such a good experience. I feel greatly honoured. Yours sincerely, Wang Lei
急求一份写给领导同事捐款的感谢信公司领导、同仁: 我叫李靖忠,是公司设备检修部的员工,全家共5口人,靠我一人的工资生活。这巨额费用,对于从农村来太原打工的我家就象天文数字,给本来窘迫的家庭生活罩上了厚厚的阴...
跪求一封感谢别人资助的英语感谢信急Dear XXX, I thank you so much for your support, now that I've gone back to school, I can continue my education. My father was a construction worker, and my moth...
感谢信的结束语怎么写原发布者:仍瘟神糯 篇一:感谢信写法感谢信是为了答谢对方的邀请、问候、关心、帮助和支持而写的公关礼仪书信。感谢信是对于支援、帮助、关心过自己的党政机关、企事业单位、...
给老师的一封感谢信的结尾要怎么写人的一生中,遇到过许多老师。或情同知己,或形同陌路,而遇到一位好老师,则是一生的幸运。我庆幸自己,在小学期间遇到了这样一位好老师。 她,剪着一头短发,看上去干净利落,简单又透出...
急求有关传统节日和饮食健康的英语课件PPT要适合高中生的翻译和例句: , has eating disorders (饮食习惯异常). She is considered to be strange by her schoolmates. Another girl called We are able to live longer 21ST 人类长寿...
求一份英文感谢信To: XXX Thank you for helping me on the study. With your help, my study improved and i got a good mark. During the days when you were helping me, i understood t...
一封英文的感谢信Dear Sarah, It was kind of you to remember my birthday. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful stamp as a gift on my birthday.I like collecting ver much, so i...
求帮写一篇英语感谢信Dear Jenny Brown: After a good journey in Shanghai, I have returned to London. I am writing to you to show my gratitude to you to show my gratitude for your kin...