

02月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求岗位应聘英文翻译]Dear examiner, good!Marketing Director in GE interview here today, have the opportunity to ask examiners and learning, to show myself to you, I feel very happy....+阅读

Thank you very much for my birthday. I am very happy! This is the happiest in my life the first birthday. You are really a good friend of mine. I would also like your next birthday. I hope by that time, we can hurt our hearts Play fast. And can be delicious to eat. Birthday in the day, we all share faster! In short, I am very happy to play. Thank you for my birthday. Today is an unforgettable day for me! Finally, we wish the happy every day, good luck again and again! 已经100字了!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...


急急急!求一关于抗震救灾的英文感谢信Dear kind-hearted people, Thank you for helping us out after the earthquake.The earthquake destoryed our houses and schools.Many people died and thousands of pe...

帮忙写:关于领导去年帮忙调动工作成功一事的感谢信感谢信 领导:你好! 去年,承蒙你的关爱和支持,将我的调动工作之事终于园满地画下了句号。现在我在新的工作岗位上得心应手,称心如意……这一切与你的帮忙是分不开的。为此,今天抽时...

感谢朋友参观时的热情接待感谢信100词Thank you for inviting me to your family party last weekend.The party was great and interesting. It made me laugh and laugh.And the food was wondful. I have nev...

感谢信怎么写哦最佳答案①称呼:顶格,有的还可以加上一定的限定、修饰词,如亲爱的等。 ②问候语:如写“你好”、“近来身体是否安康”等。独立成段,不可直接接下文。否则,就会违反构段意义单一的...

英文小笑话急急!But the teacher cried The six-year-old John was terribly spoiled . His father knew it, but his grandma doted on him. He hardly left her side. And when he wanted...

谁知道几个非常简短的英文小笑话?——————————————————————————————————————————hey Are Directly from America Not long after an old Chinese women came back...

求一封感谢信一年了孩子进步很快想感谢老师尊敬的老师您好: 我是国际班赵语熙熙的妈妈,感谢您在百忙中来了解我们家长的心声,通过这样的交流活动来增进对孩子成长方向的指导,同时我们也积极配合老师来纠正孩子的缺点,树立...


