

02月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Application letterDear boss: I look forward to ask for a leave, beause that my realtivewill get married soon and i want to express my benediction to them,if you have something which need me,please dailing the telephone number-***********. I really look fordword your reply. yours faithfully *****...


请写一封英文感谢信考试需要谢谢!Dear Wufeng, Thank you for offering me such a nice place to stay.You are the first person who gave me a hand when I first arrived in the United States.I hope we...

求高人翻译一篇英文感谢信急Although the way of it accompanying me is different from what I expect, I hope you all are happy and have good things every day,如果还有分的话望能多加. 纯人工翻...

怎样写一封祝贺朋友考上大学的英文Dear Mr. Liu, Your academic performance in the courses you completed in Fall 2007 indicates that you have done well, and we are pleased to see that yourGrade Po...

愚人节如何用英文April Fool's Day 每年4月1日,是西方也是美国的民间传统节日——愚人节。愚人节起源于法国。1564年,法国首先采用新改革的纪年法——格里历(即目前通用的阳历),以1月1日为一年之...

英文导游词翻译三清山位于之间的结合扬子板块与华夏板块,北部是江西东北部缝合带深大断裂。 Ever since the Indochina movement, Sanqing has entered continent margin violent changes a...

高中英文导游词作文一百词左右Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to serve as your guide today. This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most w...

老师婚假请假条怎么写最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容>原发布者:飞花落叶 婚假请假条尊敬的领导:我于2020年8月8日登记结婚,根据国家及单位的相关规定,本人可申请3天婚假。现特向领导申请休婚假,...

英语请假条范文 5一回家急求请假My dear teacher Mr./Mrs.: I am greatly reget to tell that I will not be able to take your courses for I will go back to my hometown by train this afternoon. Ple...

求一篇英语请假I feel like asking for a leave from you Mr wang.I have to see a doctor because I suffered from a serious cold today and i think i'm unable to attend shcool on W...
