

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[大学团学会倡议书范文]现代社工作节奏益加快都理堪重负健康理才能迎接工作各种挑战才能算理健康呢 理健康要求内外兼顾外要际关系良行符合规范 内基本需要获满足理机能行符合外界规范能满足自理需...+阅读

Each day countless trees are cut down. Some of them end up on your desk as paper, pencil or even chopsticks. Millions of tons of waste water is dumped into our rivers. Millions of tons of fume is released to our atmosphere. Our climate and environment are changing adversly due to fast deforestation, exccessive use of fossil fuels and waste discharges from human activities. If this trend goes on, before long some of our fertile land will become desert. We will have no clean rivers or lakes. Some of the most lovely animals will soon completely disappear from this world. The lives on this planet have never been threatened by human activities as seriously as they are now. We must not allow this to happen. Each of us can help by conserving natural resources and to convince people around us to do the same. You have a choice. Be it writing on two sides of paper, or avoiding the use of disposable chopsticks or even flushing your toilet with used water. House airconditioning accounts for about 15% of the total electricity consumption. You could consider to wear a sweater in winter than to turn on your heating very early in the season. Instead of asking your mon or dad to drive you to school, you could take a public bus or metro. Your choice to save energy could save the lives of those lovely birds or flowers. We are all responsibility for our future environment and lives on this planet. Each of us is responsible to let people around us to be aware what is happening to our environment. We must not wait until it is too late. So act now !


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