[写给基金会感谢信]敬爱的宋河老子国学教育基金会的叔叔阿姨: 您们好! 我叫张瑞玲,来自鹤壁市浚县,是“关注贫困大学生”中获得救助的一员。 时间过得真快,我已经走进期待已久的城市,开始我的大学生...+阅读
邀请信 一文章结构
3. 参加活动能给受邀人(邀请人)带来的好处
4. 表明期待以及联系方式
The...will be held on ....
The activity is in honor of ....
You can also bring ...together with you.
May I have the honor of your accompany at dinner?
We sincerely/ faithfully hope you can attend...
You will be my most respected guest to come to ...
Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.
Please let me know soon if you decide to come.
I shall be much obliged by a reply at your convenience.
__________(活动的主题、时间、地点). I am writing to invite you to______.
The are some points you may want to know about_______. / During
the ________, we will have lots of activities you are interested in. First,
________(具体内容1). Second, ___________(具体内容2).
I believe that you will be interested in _________(受邀人参加理由).
For one thing, _________参加理由1). For another, _________(参加理由2)
Since the ______will begin _______, is it possible __________? I am looking forward to you.
一封关于捐款感谢信广大师生: 衷心感谢你们的慷慨解囊和无私帮助。我校xx同学是不幸的,在人生最灿烂的时候却与病魔羁绊前行;但她又是幸运的,因为有我校广大师生最纯洁的爱心在伴她同行。孙玉静,普...
我朋友需要我给他写封感谢信今天急着但是我不知道怎么写从致保安队长的感谢信 保安队长同志: 你好! 感谢您将我的钱包送回来!X年X月X日,我去食堂吃饭,由于我的疏忽,不慎将钱包掉在了食堂。后来发现后,我心急如焚。正在我不知所措之时,是您--...
求一封感谢信急谢谢感谢信 )“是你们给我们送来了温暖,你们用自己并不富裕的收入,给予我们经济上的帮助和物质上的支持以及精神上的鼓励,使我们从内心深处感受到了党的e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6313...
英文感谢信感谢外国房东对留学生的照顾Dear XXX, I'm at school now. I wish to express my thanks to you for the wonderful days I spent with you and your family. During the past time you taught me how...
写给外教的感谢信英语olah, I am Ginger. I just finished my courses today. I would like to say that you are a good teacher.You are so warm and sincere to talk with me. You helped me...
用英语写给同学的感谢信感谢你进入一家进口公司当上经理Congratulations! We are decided to employ you to be our manager in ** import company. Here please accept our warmly welcome for you to joining us. We would like...
帮我写个请假条推荐让父母写。要不然也要让父母签名,不然老师不一定信你。 XX老师: 你好,我是XX班XXX的家长。我妈妈生病住院,我想让XXX在13号那天能回老家去医院看看她奶奶。希望老师你能同意...
600字的感谢信拜托了各位大神翻书的时候,一片银杏叶悄然滑落. 我弯腰,拾起,惊觉这是初中毕业时同桌送给我的,背面上写着“珍重,朋友!” 不记得当时是否有种想哭的冲动,只是现在,枯黄的叶片上早已是滴滴泪痕.想起...