

02月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[寄宿生家长给老师的感谢信]你们好! 我是一年级 (一)班的家长,作为一名一年级的寄宿新生,孩子在班主任吴老师,宋老师,生活老师黄老师的正确引导和帮助下,顺利适应了小学寄宿生活. 由于前段时间天气骤变...+阅读

Dear Grandma,Daddy Mummy and my little brother Dave,

Greetings! I'm V and I'm so excited to receive the kind letter from you guys! I guess the my stay there in the States with all of you in the next year will be an unforgettable experience for me!

Actually, I always wish that I could have a younger brother, so when the cute Dave's lovely face came into my eyes that my happy could not be expressed via any other words! He now definitely like a real man although he is only 11. More, what I think he is such a lucky dog because he has a very kind and thoughtful grandma! And then I also saw my future "Dad and Mum", who are so nice and like a real family. Mum's smile is so sweety and so dose of Day's, even like Grandpa Sanders~

As for my high school, I alrealdy like it as my first sight of how it looks. I believe that I will get myself a satisfactory scores in my study!

Well, just like what you said before, it really needs some time to get over through it to totally adjusting in the entire life like the jet lagging. Therefore, would mind telling me when I shall to go to there will be fine?

I am looking forward to receiving your kind reply!

All the best!


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