

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁能帮我写一篇以校园拒绝零食用英语给学校写一封倡议书]Dear fellow students, There is a serious phenomenon in our school. Many students like to eat snacks very much. We can see that there are so many students that b...+阅读

e, low carbon begin from me


Past little, merged into my memory of the ocean. Heart, often appearing Jiduo white spray, let me aftertaste let my collection, I appreciate the true meaning and enjoyment of life.


Every food, then read work hard; each suit, is thought of textile. Treasure grain is everyone should do, you should not waste food: cherish food, save the grain, eliminate waste, low carbon begin from me!


"Food", believe that the two word is familiar to everybody. Food from farmers uncle calloused hands difficult to "flow". For us the food isn't expensive, so many people go to waste, for these people food is a very valuable things, but in fact it is dipped in the farmer uncle sweat valuable articles. We should not waste food!!


When we face the flag, we ever wasting food right up to the motherland! The farmer uncle is worthy of our respect, they did not work hard, we will not eat the fat! So please respect the farmer uncle, respect for food, treasure the food, put an end to waste, low carbon begin from me! Don't be picky eaters, conscientiously put every meal not to waste it.


Eat something to eat something of my own sweat, tears, so only eat their own things to experience the hard work of farmers uncle!


The classmates, pearl rice is king, treasure, such as gold deposit of stored grain, grain don't worry ah! Cherish food, save the grain, eliminate waste, low carbon begin from me!


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