[2014反对食品浪费倡议书]2014反对食品浪费倡议书 广大居民们: 根据《关于厉行节约反对食品浪费的意见》和四川省委办公厅、省政府办公厅制定的《关于厉行节约反对食品浪费的实施意见》,为了在全社会牢...+阅读
Do you know ? Our canteen is more and more dirty , for so many stuydents put the rest food on the table or the ground .
When in the morning , at noon or in the evening,we feel hungry , where we will go to ? The canteen . Right. The canteen is the place for us to eat things everyday , so keeping it clean is our responsibility .
How can we do to change it ? By the Student Union ' s suggestions , we hope we can form the good habits , such as no throwing garbages on the ground , no putting the rest food on the table .
Then , we believe our canteen will be more beautiful and cleaner.
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