

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[端午节英语作文120字]端午节英语作文120字 Fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, also called DuanYangJie, afternoon day festival, may festival, ai festival, terminal five, Ch...+阅读

There are so many things in our lives we should give thanks to. Such as the air, the sunshine,our lovely friends and dear teachers.But the people I mostly want to give thanks to are my parents.There are lots of stories about us.And now I'll tell you an incident that impressed me the most. Once when i was very young, my parents and I went boating.At first the waves were gentle but suddenly a huge wave turned my little boat over and i fell into the water.My mother got worried and jumped into the water quickly without hesitating.Everyone knew my mother could not swim.My father threw away everything he had in hands and jumped into the water quickly. My mother and I were saved at last.On the board,My mother kept asking me :Are you OK?I was very moved and I cried while she was hugging me. I'm growing in the sea of love. Dear my mother, thank you.You are the greatest woman in the world. Even if I collect all the carnations all over the world. I can't express my thanks to you ,my love to you:My mother. When i was in the kindergarden.My father liked to buy some chocolate for me.One day, i was eating happily.My father came in and i gave him a piece of it.My father said loudly:Oh!No!Honey,i don't like chocolate at all.Don't care about me .My little girl. I didn't really understand dad's words until I was in school.My dear father, you don't always mean what you said . You like chocolate but you love me more. My parents are the greates people in the world. I can't say how much I love you I don't know how much I love you. You are with me when me i am happy or sad. You sopport me in times of good or bad. But i can do noting for you.i just pray that my parents and all the parents around the world can have happy and healthy lives! sincerely, and another thanks! 希望能够帮到你


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求一篇感恩父母的英语作文不要叙述文要议论文字数在120左右Everyone should have a life down on feelings - Thanksgiving, we have Thanksgiving life, family Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving life, the community Thanksgiving ... ....

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